Cancer Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope   Cancer Sign/Symbol   Cancer Zodiac

The Cancer sign is one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, represented by a crab.
A Cancer or a Cancerian is someone born between June 22 and July 22
and believed to be influenced by this horoscope sign.

Cancer Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs
In Cancer Astrology there are many variables that determine my sign compatibility with others.
Birth years, the position of a sign within the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, etc.,
all contribute to this determination by an Astrologer or Astrologist
when an individual profile is performed on such things as
career astrology and even funny horoscopes.

Without a individual profile, the following signs listed as compatible with Cancer
are a general guideline to Zodiac compatibility
and based on the various elements within the Zodiac,
the Cancer Zodiac is considered compatible with...

Pisces, Scorpio and another Cancer Sine

Look also at Vedic Astrology with your Astrology Chart compatibility.

Ideal Careers for Cancer
Childcare, Cooking & Catering, Gardener, Hospitality,
Housekeeper, Journalist, Nurse,
Politician, Real Estate and Writer.

The Zodiac Cancer Man and Woman can be different but generally
The Male and Female Cancer Likes
Children, Hobbies, Home & Country, Parties and Romance.

Cancer Dislikes
Advice, Aggravating Situations, Being told What To Do, Failure and Opposition.

Lucky for Cancer Astrology Signs
Color: Silver / Gemstone: Pearl / Numbers: 4 and 6

Cancer Celebrities and Stars
Kris Kristofferson (Jun 22) / Dan Aykroyd (Jul 1) / Princess Diana (Jul 1)
Sylvester Stallone (Jul 6) / Tom Hanks (Jul 9) / Linda Ronstadt (Jul 15)
Donald Sutherland (Jul 17) / John Glenn (Jul 18) / Robin Williams (Jul 21)

For your Cancer Daily Horoscope
Delivered to your Inbox every Morning...

The Astrological Signs
Aries (March 21 to April 19)         Taurus (April 20 to May 20)         Gemini (May 21 to June 21)         Cancer (June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)         Leo (July 23 to August 22)     Virgo (August 23 to September 22)         Libra (September 23 to October 23)         Scorpio (October 24 to November 21)         Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)         Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)         Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)         Pisces (February 19 to March 20)        

Horoscopes are found everywhere in varying forms as...
Astrology Charts, Star Charts, Your Horoscope, My Zodiac Sign, Astrology Guides, Etc.

Horoscopes are published at varying frequencies such as...
Daily Horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes & Yearly Horoscopes
for the year 2017 and will continue into the future.

The Man or Woman that refers to their Horoscope
are looking for various things about themselves including...

Their Future Predictions, their Compatibility Horoscopes,
Love Horoscopes, Love Signs and Zodiac Matches.

In this case with the Sign of Cancer,
the other signs looking to see if their sign is or is not compatible with Cancer
typically have been...

Cancer Libra / Pisces Cancer / Cancer Leo / Capricorn Cancer
Cancer Gemini / Aquarius Cancer / Cancer Sagittarius

As you can see, Cancer Love in the form of...
Romance, Birthdate Compatibility and Astrology Relationships run high
but Financial Astrology Predictions and Health Issues are also often a concern.

For a much more accurate detailed explanation of your Horoscope, please click here...

Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium

Psychic Valerie Morrison

Valerie has appeared with her added Psychic interpretation to your Daily Horoscope on many Television Shows

Have a question about your future?

Love, Romance, Compatibility & Relationships, Your Love Life - Lost Loves - Friends & Companions - The Reunion of Family Members - Your Job, Career Opportunities & Career Moves - Your Financial Stability - Relocating - Your Children & Problems with your Children - Legal Issues - Business Decisions & Decision Making - Explanation & Guidance for your Depression, Despair, Fears, Personal Tragedy, Trauma & Misfortune - Health Issues - Premonitions - Spiritual Needs -

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Every First Monday of the Month
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST


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Call with your Question to Psychic Valerie Morrison
Describe your situation along with your one specific question about your situation.
Include your First Name, Date of Birth, and the City & State you are calling from.

Remember to...
Heal your Past, Cope with the Present, Explore your Future

Listen the First Monday of every Month
7 to 8 PM EST
Radio Station WVLT 92.1 FM
Broadcasting from Vineland, New Jersey

Radio Station WVLT Cruisin 92.1 FM Vineland New Jersey

From her Office Practice in Philadelphia Pennsylvania,
and Phone Readings to individuals and celebrities from all over the world,
Psychic Counselor Valerie Morrison has been helping people for over 40 years.

Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium

--- Services ---

With Valerie's Psychic Ability and over 40 years of experience with counseling,
Valerie brings to you Guidance for concerns about your...
Loved Ones, Children, Health, Finances, Legal Issues, Relocating,
Business Decisions and of course Living & Departed Family Members.

Office Readings

Psychic Office Readings

Phone Readings

Psychic Phone Readings       Psychic Phone Readings       Psychic Phone Readings

I will try my very best to help you with your concerns.

My hope is that my advice, observations, and my psychic perception
about you and your living and departed loved ones
will make Peace and Happiness always the greatest part of your life.

May your Future bring to you all the Joy your Heart can hold.

God Bless,

Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881
Fax: 215-483-7872

For more information about Psychic Valerie Morrison, please click here...

Copyright 1999-2022 Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium

Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881