
Valerie Morrison
Psychic Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium

Valerie Morrison's Services

Private Office or Telephone Psychic Readings

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for further information about these services*...

* aka Psychic Reading Sessions

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(215) 483-8881
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128

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Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium
Monday Night October 7, 2024
7 PM to 8 PM

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Valerie Morrison on WVLT 92.1 FM

Radio Station WVLT Cruisin 92.1 FM Vineland New Jersey
Vineland, New Jersey

WVLT 92.1 FM

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"Tales of The Paranormal"
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The WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM Radio Station

The "Salute to our Veterans" Event
Car Cruise
Sunday August 25, 2019
11AM to 4PM

Held every year at the...

New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home
524 N.W. Boulevard
Vineland, NJ

WVLT 92.1 FM

Please join...

Steve Tatz of the WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 Radio staff,
The Nostalgia Knights Classic Car Club
and The South Jersey Cruisers Association
to pay honor to our veterans at this event
on Sunday August 25, 2019 at 11AM

(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)


(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)

(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)

Pictures from our past "Salute to our Veterans Events"

Remember the 50s? DJ Steve Tatz doing his thing Salute to our Veterans of the past Remember the Fins? OK, so I like Motorcycles
(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)

Veterans Wheelchair Races Dancing Dancing And more Dancing Salute to our Veterans of the past Salute to our Veterans of the future Salute to our Veterans of the future Goodbye to Dear Bill Webber
(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)

Psychic Valerie Morrison
Special "Appearances"
WOGL 98.1
- The Breakfast Club -

Psychic Valerie Morrison on WOGL 98.1 The Breakfast Club

WOGL 98.1 The Breakfast Club

November 1, 2012

The Roxborough Review
The Roxborough Review

The Roxborough Review

The Morrison-Sloan Plan
The Bunting House Replacement Structure and the Future Preservation of Roxborough

The Bunting House
Gone but not forgotten

Demolition - Image courtesy Sam Fran Scavuzzo - Roxborough Manayunk Patch   The Bunting House prior to demolition   Empty Lot - Image courtesy Megan Pinto - News Works

The Bunting House - Our Alamo
Where the people of Roxborough have chosen to make a stand

To those that would continue to destroy our heritage,
Our line in the sand is now here drawn,
Dare not cross it, ever again.

Valerie Morrison

Our recent Bunting House Mural newspaper article
"The Roxborough Review"


Roxborough resident envisions plan to memorialize The Bunting House

Plan endorsed by historical society head
Monday, April 3, 2013

A plan envisioned by long time Roxborough resident Valerie Morrison
with the endorsement of...
Donald Sloan, President of the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society

To make a formal appeal to the new owners or tenets of the Bunting House property,
once they are officially determined and approved unanimously by the citizens of Roxborough,
to allow a full size mural of the Bunting House to be commissioned and incorporated
onto the facade of their new building in an attempt to "resurrect" and pay tribute to the Bunting House
while honoring all the residents of Roxborough who tried gallantly, but in vain, to stop it's destruction.

All individuals and businesses interested in assisting with Valerie's plan
(now adopted by the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society)
to pay tribute to the Bunting House with this full scale mural and replacement building concept,
are invited to call Donald Sloan President of the Society at 215-678-0532
who will contact the new owner or tenet to hopefully gain their approval
as he takes on the challenge of Valerie's noble and considerate plan.

The Bunting House Replacement Structure
- Our one chance to make it right -
Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept
A concept to incorporate a full scale mural of the Bunting House onto the facade of our proposed replacement building

Mural Concept, Illustrations of the proposed Replacement Building and Presentation
Courtesy Frank DeAngelo - A1 Consulting

Passion to bring to realization our "One chance to make it right"
Valerie Morrison - 45 Year Roxborough Resident

Endorsement, Support and Additional Refinements
Donald Sloan - President of the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Front View of The Bunting House Plaza, as we so named it, facing Ridge Avenue
The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
are all that is seen from Ridge Avenue

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Rear View from Roxborough Avenue
Showing suggested rear entrance to business(s) and parking lot.

A FOOD CO-OP we have depicted here but we feel a mixed use string of storefronts suitable for a variety of businesses
(Small Restaurant, Antique dealer, Doctor's offices, Book Store, etc)
with Apartments or additional Business Offices upstairs is definitely a much better choice
both for Roxborough and the Giovannone brothers in that it provides for greater flexibility as to tenant choices now and in the future.

Additionally, the sheer uniqueness of this building will attract more business tenants here than to other less dramatic rental properties
as "We are located at the Bunting House Plaza" and "Meet me at the Bunting Plaza" become popular catchphrases.

Traffic on Ridge Avenue

The only snag to the replacement building in any form whether it be our concept or a concept by the builder
will be the added traffic congestion along Ridge Avenue that it will most certainly create.

Having the driveway entrance on Roxborough Ave (as in our plan) with a left turn only traffic light
for those traveling south on Ridge Avenue will help, but it will still add to the congestion.
Additionally, the added vehicle traffic on Roxborough Ave is a real, rightfully so, nuisance to the Roxborough Ave homeowners.

The only effective remedy that will add the least amount of traffic congestion on Ridge Avenue
is to have a forced right-turn in and right-turn out by way of concrete median islands for a driveway entrance and exit on Ridge Avenue.
Although highly effective in minimizing traffic congestion, it is a compromise to the business tenets in that
it only allows patrons traveling north on Ridge Avenue to easily frequent their businesses.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Rear View from Roxborough Avenue
Showing the building for Mixed Use

The Parking Lot

In my haste to complete this presentation as soon as possible
so that all could see this properties potential before the wrong choice of its design and use was made,
the cars in the parking lot are not drawn to scale and the parking lot could perhaps hold twice as many cars.
[An additional five cars more when a drive-thru is not considered / Parking for six cars lost with the Garden & Sitting Area]

The Parking Lot

The low wall depicted here facing Roxborough Avenue and the low wall at the rear of the property
can be extended up to full height to hide from view the parking lot as a courtesy to the adjacent homeowners.
A mural upon and along the Roxborough Avenue heightened wall featuring life during the 1880's can be "painted" here
as illustrated in the next three images...

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Low wall exposes cars in the parking lot to homeowners across Roxborough Avenue

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Low wall extended to full height hides cars and the parking lot from view

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Full height wall with a mural now faces adjacent homeowners across Roxborough Avenue

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

It also welcomes those traveling north on Ridge Avenue to the "Hamlet of Roxborough"

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Garden & Sitting Area is fully enclosed with an authentic or reproduction wrought iron fence from the 1880 period.
Monitored access to the Garden & Sitting Area is provided only from passage from the business interior
through a functioning door cut through the mural and accompanied by faux granite steps.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
Electric candles in "the windows" and an electric light in the "porch light globe"
along with up-lights at the base of the trees will create a warm "someone is at home" feeling at night
to passing motorists and pedestrians.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
The Garden & Sitting Area is also provided by the business for patrons to enjoy their various food offerings outdoors.
The wrought iron fence has fine screening panels attached to prevent paper plates, napkins, etc., from blowing into the adjoining neighborhood.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
An emergency exit gate operated from inside the enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area is provided.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House Full Size Mural and enclosed Front Garden & Sitting Area
Rules such as children must be accompanied by a guardian, access by high school students limited to two only at one time,
no pets, no portable radio music without earphones, a strict 8AM to 11PM curfew, etc., etc. would be implemented.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The Bunting House
For everyone to enjoy once again.

Our toast to the Bunting House - May it be remembered in all its glory

And a side note...

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

There is more history to be cherished from the Front Garden & Sitting Area of the Bunting House
As the Bunting House visitors turn their attention directly across the street to the other side of Ridge Avenue,
they will travel back in time from the Bunting House era of 1880 another 100 years
as they see the mural erected there by the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society some 10 years ago
dedicated to the Massacre at Wood's Barn that occurred there in 1777.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

A closer view of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
The mural is on the other side of Ridge Avenue on the Grace Evangelical Church property by the sidewalk.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

View of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
Mural Design Variation 2

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

A closer view of the Massacre at Wood's Barn mural from Front Garden & Sitting Area bench
Mural Design Variation 2

The Massacre at Wood's Barn

The Wood's Barn is famous for an incident that took place there on December 19, 1777 during the revolutionary war.

On patrol in Roxborough were 40 American soldiers,
members of the Virginia Dragoons sent north from their home in Virginia to join our Continental Army
who would eventually face the British who now had seized and were occupying Philadelphia.

At nightfall, they arrived at the Roxborough home of Andrew Wood and asked for shelter.
After they were fed, some were bedded down in the house, while the others slept in the barn.

Members of the British 16th Light Dragoons were also on patrol in Roxborough that night
and discovered the American troops on the Wood's property.
Andrew led the troopers staying in the house out the back door to safety but the troopers in the barn were not so fortunate.

The British set fire to the barn, and as some of the troopers tried to exit, they were shot dead while the others,
forced to remain in the barn, were burned to death.
A total of 18 Virginia troopers were killed that night and were later buried in Roxborough's Leverington Cemetery
where these poor souls who fought for our independence can still be visited today.

The troop commander of the Virginia Dragoons was "Light Horse" Harry Lee
who was not present at the time his men were massacred as he was leading his other troops at skirmishes elsewhere.
One of his sons in later years became to be, during the Civil War, the commander of the Confederacy, Robert E Lee.

In addition to a comrade-in-arms, Harry Lee was a dear friend of George Washington
and Lee was one of several honored people chosen to read his eulogy when Washington died.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Old Photograph of The Wood's Barn
In 1752, Andrew Wood, a shoemaker, purchased land from his father.
On that ground he built a stone house and barn on the corner of what is now Ridge and Roxborough Ave.
In 1910, the property was sold and the house and barn torn down and replaced with the Grace Evangelical Church.
Today it is the MRI Center for National Medical Imaging.

The Old Mural

This existing mural to The Massacre at Wood's Barn was erected by the Historical Society some 10 years ago
and in the bustle of our lives along with it's minimal impact of illustration, it usually goes unnoticed.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

The existing Wood's Barn Massacre mural

The New Mural

We are proud to announce that a more noticeable and better illustrated mural is anticipated
to complement the visit to the Front Garden & Sitting Area of the Bunting House.

Full Scale Mural and Replacement Building Concept

Frank DeAngelo's replacement suggestion of the Wood's Barn Massacre mural
with electrical backlighting for viewing at night
as per Don Sloan's suggestion

In the meantime, whether a full-scale mural and a change in the function of the replacement building can come to fruition or not...

The Future Preservation of Roxborough

Valerie Morrison and Don Sloan are committed to the following changes
that must be promptly addressed to preserve Roxborough's heritage

Valerie and the historical society firmly believe that any owner doing renovations
on their old architecturally appealing properties in Roxborough, not thus far designated as historic buildings,
should voluntarily do everything possible not to destroy but to preserve
the architectural style and features of their properties.

Any builders building new buildings in place of older architecturally appealing buildings legally destroyed in the process,
should be required by a new building code, that Valerie and Don hope to see developed and enacted,
that would require the builder to build the replacement structure in a style specifically matching
the architectural style of the property destroyed whether it be by incorporating component pieces of the original facade
or by incorporating reproductions of the original facade made from modern materials, or a combination of both,
into the design element of any new replacement building.

A repository located in Roxborough is needed to be established to receive and store
heretofore discarded architectural elements such as
(antique fireplace mantels, doors, iron fencing, sculpted wooden scrollwork, columns, etc)
removed by owners and builders from old homes
that would be made available for re-use by dedicated home owners refurbishing with pride
their own particular architecturally appealing properties in Roxborough.

In as much as the agencies entrusted to protect the historical assets of Roxborough
were apparently caught totally unaware of the imminent destruction of the Bunting House,
provisions for a new, better, more reliable and more timely method to insure that this never happens again,
must be immediately implemented by those agencies who we have entrusted with preserving Roxborough's heritage.

Valerie Morrison, Don Sloan and his fellow members of the historical society,
believe that promoting the growth of business into Roxborough
such as is the goal of the Roxborough Development Corporation is with no doubt necessary and essential,
especially during these economic hard times, but we must also find a way to stop, or at the very least, minimize
the damage to our local heritage in the process, as to continue with the demolition of our glorious structures
replaced with buildings generic and void of any pleasing architectural design or need of real purpose
will turn our long established trip back-in-time in Roxborough, eventually and forever,
into just another trip to "nowhere".

With my involvement and attention to Roxborough matters...

A much more serious concern of mine...

I keep seeing very bad recurring feelings about someone who gets seriously injured
crossing a street near the Roxborough Hospital.

After mentioning my fears to my manager, he took a trip to the hospital area
and suggests the following that, in retrospect, I highly recommend to be immediately installed.

At the Ridge Avenue crosswalk at Pensdale Street to the side entrance to Roxborough Hospital
he recommends a traffic light (or a sign with flashing lights warning traffic to stop for people in the crosswalk)
controlled by the hospital guard who now sits at the hospital entrance-way
(to prevent children from repeatedly stopping traffic on Ridge Avenue with the usual push-button control)
to be considered.

And my additional concern and suggestion pertaining to our recent increase in crime committed in Roxborough...

I believe the time has come to assign to the 5th Police District a motorcycle patrol officer who could,
by being able to better navigate the traffic on Ridge Avenue, respond faster to emergencies
than a police patrol car could here in Roxborough.

I know that this is a risky move for the safety of the motorcycle patrol officer in that,
while outrunning a police patrol car, he is also outrunning his backup but,
a faster response time will yield a increased apprehension rate.

Additionally, due to the nature of recent crimes committed on foot by perpetrators,
their pursuit on sidewalks, alleys, parking lots, etc. could be better accomplished with the agility of a motorcycle.

Hoping to implement these changes soon
Valerie Morrison

In reference to Valerie Morrison's recent interview in the Philadelphia Daily News article:
R.I.P. tide along the Delaware River
Discarded tombstones a sad legacy for departed souls

R.I.P. tide along the Delaware River Article    R.I.P. tide along the Delaware River Article
- article photo courtesy The Philadelphia Daily News Staff Photographer Ryan Greenberg -

By DAN GERINGER, Daily News Staff Writer 215-854-5961
Published Friday, December 21, 2012
Referenced on the Front Page with the Article on Page 8
You may read the article by clicking here and then clicking on "It's RIP tide along the Delaware River"

Due to the restraints of publishing and the minimal space that could be devoted to this story
in the Philadelphia Daily News about this long and complex issue of these tombstones from the past,
we felt we should take the opportunity, that the space that Valerie's newsletter provides,
to better explain our position about the tombstone issue and news article.

It should be noted that this explanation described here are the same points that we have
presented in this newsletter since we started it back in February 2012 and can be found
mentioned previously elsewhere in this newsletter.

Assembling these points here at the top of this newsletter hopefully will make our
feelings on the matter of the tombstones, abridged in the Daily News article, much clearer to the reader.

The how and why the abandonment of these tombstones came to be back in 1956, is not our focus.
What's done is done and for the most part, sadly, there is no practical way of changing it.

It is Valerie Morrison's quest only to proceed to a solution to the problem of
removing only the 22 or so visible tombstones of our Philadelphia ancestors found on this shoreline
and in doing so, insure that these stranded tombstones receive the respect that they deserve
and that the memory of Monument Cemetery (Philadelphia's second rural cemetery)
will never be forgotten.

Some of the 22 Tombstones
- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Although we are appalled that these 22 tombstones have been left exposed here,
with reports now coming in since 1960, and they continue to remain there
seemingly ignored and without concern by agencies since then and those agencies
that we have tried to contact in the recent past without results...

The good news is that we must rejoice in that now, having found these intact tombstones,
it gives us the opportunity to finally pay homage to them.

Valerie's plan is not fashioned by any means to set a precedent on the disposition of
the rest of the abandoned "intact" tombstones, exact number of which are unknown,
that economically speaking will never be able to be retrieved
to put in a Philadelphia park and/or be repatriated to their graves.

In the case of these tombstones, still hidden from view but potentially vulnerable
to be revealed by water erosion, the best that we can hope for is to insure that
they remain covered for all eternity, that a delegation of clergy* of all denominations
will travel to the site to bless them and a memorial plaque will be
placed there at this Delaware River site to remember them by.

We are finding many, many clergy readily volunteering to join this delegation
when the time comes for this ceremony to take place.
We are suggesting that only the younger and more physically fit apply
as the way into and out of this area (if no improvements are made prior to the ceremony)
is physically challenging.

There has been some confusion about the facts of this tombstone issue
that may have been mistakenly reported by other individuals on the web in the past and before us,
that we would like to take the opportunity to clarify now, based on the limited information
that we have been able to discover thus far

There were 28,000 people buried at Monument Cemetery and most* all of them were reburied
at Lawnview Cemetery in Rockledge.

Approximately 100 of the families of the 28,000, when contacted of the impending move,
elected to make and pay for their own arraignments to have their loved ones graves and tombstones reburied at other cemeteries.

Contrary to previous reports by others, they were not buried in a mass grave at Lawnview Cemetery
(writers possibly confused with the 10 year earlier 1946 exhumation
of the 47,000 Lafayette Cemetery graves that were found in a mass grave** in Bucks County in 1988).

While a strip mall was being built near the Neshaminy Mall, wooden boxes containing dead bodies of unknown origin
were discovered during the excavation to construct the foundation for the strip mall.

Work was immediately suspended and officials, after spending a week and a half digging test shafts at the site,
uncovered 32 trenches, each 300 feet long containing stacks of these wooden boxes
containing the remains of countless dead people later found to have been exhumed from Lafayette Cemetery
and that were never individually reburied with their gravestones as the person,
who was contracted by the City of Philadelphia, was paid to do).

(Most of the areas in Lawnview Cemetery devoted to the Monument Cemetery graves
are marked with easily un-noticed flush-to-the-ground grave markers
and these areas, to the unknowing visitor, can mistakenly appear as a mass grave site
as can be attested to by this aerial view, in the below picture,
of one of the Monument Cemetery grave sites, noted in white, at Lawnview Cemetery).

One of the Monument Cemetery grave sites, noted in white, at Lawnview Cemetery

Before the exhumation of the 28,000 bodies and reburial at Lawnview Cemetery,
an attempt was made to contact each of their families.
Of the 28,000, the families of 26,500 (some reports indicate 27,300 / some reports indicate 20,000) could not be found
and it was the tombstones*** of these dear departed that were not taken to Lawnview
when their bodies were reburied there, but were instead, because of budgetary limitations,
sold as rip/rap (rubble to protect shorelines from water erosion) to contractors.

A better estimate of how many individual tombstones went unclaimed by their families is 13,250.
This is based on the fact that, although "only" 26,500 graves were unclaimed and assuming there were on average
2 names inscribed on each tombstone, this would suggest that there were half or 13,250 tombstones abandoned and sold as rip/rap.

The 26,500 unclaimed souls were each individually buried with their family members at Lawnview Cemetery
and these family plots were so marked only with the family name on a plaque
as the quoted agreement did not include individual plaques to be provided for each individual family member.

An example of this is the grave of Captain William Henry Heilman****

Heilman's Tombstone is one of the 22 Tombstones that appear at low tide on the Delaware.

He and his Father William, Mother Rebecca, George K. Heilman (probably William's brother)
and Horace Thatcher (relationship unknown) where all buried with no individual plaques in the family plot
which is only identified with the family name [Heilman] as this picture so illustrates.

Valerie at the Heilamn Family Plot at Lawnview Cemetery
- photo courtesy Frank DeAngelo -

The graves of those, whose families were able to be contacted
and who agreed (approxmately 300 families) to have their loved ones graves moved to Lawnview Cemetery,
were reburied with their tombstones.

As rip/rap, some of these tombstones were crushed while many were not (as the 22 now visible
tombstones in question will attest to) and were found to be used by contractors who purchased the rip/rap
in various areas along the Delaware River, the mouth and bank of the Frankford Canal
and at other places known and unknown in Philadelphia to control water erosion and also for use as landfill.

The use of these abandoned tombstones ("repurposing" as some would like to call it today) of the dead
did indeed help the living as one of the support piers***** of the Betsy Ross Bridge,
(built to alleviate traffic congestion when traveling to and from Philadelphia and New Jersey),
was shielded from water erosion and made possible and the construction of the Frankford Canal,
expertly built around the time when the graves were exhumed in 1956,
finally alleviated the constant flooding that had made life miserable and unhealthy
for the residents of Bridesburg and the surrounding area for over 300 years.

We find it highly unlikely (as previously reported by many others) that any of the tombstones
were used in the actual construction (aka pour) of the support piers of the Betsy Ross Bridge.
One reason is that the construction of the bridge did not begin until 1969, 13 years after the exhumation of the graves,
and another reason is that hign tensile strength concrete only would be used for a support pier
and "fill" with tombstones or any other debris would compromise it's strength, however...

The land area around the footing of one of the bridge's support piers (it was water prior to 1956)
was most probably composed of some of these tombstones (whole or crushed) along with other debris from the cemetery
in addition to other sources of land fill.

Valerie's statement in the article...
"Why is this (the tombstones) in the river? Why can't I have this (the tombstones) in my back yard?"
...was in reference to a previous statement by her manager:

In the event no agency takes the 22 tombstones,
"Valerie has a Plan B in that - She has a big heart and an even bigger backyard to take them to".

Frank DeAngelo's statement in the article...
"The more I researched the gravestones that were dumped here," DeAngelo said,
"the more I got to love the people they memorialize, and the more angry I became."
...Would be better understood as:

"The more I researched the (lives of every individual inscribed on the 22 visible) gravestones that were dumped here,"
DeAngelo said, "the more I got to love the people they memorialize, and the more angry I became
(knowing that their tombstones continue to remain stranded and ignored on the Delaware Shore
by officials who could easily rescue them)."

Valerie Morrison and her associates in this endeavor are very much embarrassed to have money spent on this recovery
when it would certainly be better spent feeding the hungry and helping those financially caught
in the current economic quagmire that many of us find ourselves in today.

It is our hope that this recovery will be performed entirely with donations and/or with grants already appropriated
and will not be allowed to become another expense to the City of Philadelphia or the State of Pennsylvania.

Because of limitations of space in this article for acknowledgement to other contributors, without which,
this story would never have been fully revealed...

Let us least not forget the dramatic photographs of Ed Snyder, pwbaker and others
plus the previous research by Ed Snyder expanded on* by our Frank DeAngelo
that prompted Valerie Morrison's intervention to this cause.

Which includes a report of each individual's lineage and history of each tombstone found.

And to summarize...

Hopefully someone or some agency or organization (not necessarily the City of Philadelphia as alluded to in the article)
seeing this story with the authority, influence and means to correct this situation
of removing the 22 or so visible tombstones
will be encouraged to call Valerie Morrison at (215) 483-8881
or contact her by email at...

Until then we must remember...
The disrespect continues as long as these 22 tombstones remain visible and stranded on this shore.

One of the 22 Tombstones
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

"And sadly between the dates on every tombstone you will find,
The story of their life that can never be told,
with just a simple chiseled line."

Author Unknown

"Consider this as you pass me by
As you are now, so once was I
And as I am now, so too you will be
Someone please remember me"

From a Tombstone epitaph from long ago

"Show me your cemeteries
and I will tell you what kind of people you have."

Benjamin Franklin - Philadelphia circa 1736

I wish to thank the Owners and the City Editor of the Philadelphia Daily News
for approving and allowing this story to be told by their Daily News Staff Writer Dan Geringer.

Dan Geringer's genuine and sincere interest in reporting this story was certainly very much appreciated,
but his extra effort to refer this to an agency that might be able to intervene and help us with this endeavor,
was totally unexpected and acknowledges that the Philadelphia Daily News is not just another "me too" newspaper
as it certainly goes far beyond just the mere reporting of the news and I am indeed very humbly grateful.

Valerie Morrison

May 1, 2012

"Show me your cemeteries
and I will tell you what kind of people you have."

Benjamin Franklin

CBS 3 Eyewitness News
The Tombstones on the Delaware River shore
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

In an effort to make those in authority aware of the Tombstones that are appearing at low tide
along the shore of the Delaware River at the base of the Betsy Ross Bridge
and Valerie's effort to have them moved to a respectful place...

Valerie Morrison has enlisted the aid of Walt Hunter of CBS Channel 3 Eyewitness News
who interviewed her about the tombstones...

CBS 3 Eyewitness News

...while Cameraman "Will" ventured off to the Delaware River Shoreline
to take much needed video evidence footage of the tombstones for this story.

CBS 3 Eyewitness News

This interview will soon be aired on CBS Channel 3

May 18, 2012

CBS 3 Eyewitness News
Walt Hunter of CBS Channel 3 Eyewitness News
presents Valerie's story about the tombstones and her effort to rescue them...

CBS 3 Eyewitness News

River Mystery - Gravestones Found Along The Banks Of Delaware River

This interview aired on CBS Channel 3 on Friday May 18, 2012
For those that may have missed this broadcast...

Watch the video by clicking here

Thanks to the efforts of Walt Hunter and the CBS 3 Eyewitness News Team
many more citizens of the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley area
are now aware of this widely unknown and unabated disgrace
that occurs at every low tide along our Delaware River shoreline.

Hopefully someone seeing this story
with the authority, influence and means to correct this situation
will be encouraged to call Valerie Morrison at (215) 483-8881
or contact her by email at...

I am waiting for someone to step forward
I am waiting...

Valerie Morrison and Frank DeAngelo wish to thank
Walt Hunter, Cameraman "Will" and their associates at the CBS 3 Television Studio
for taking such a genuinely concerned interest in this story.

And let us least not forget the efforts by Ed Snyder, pwbaker and others
without whose photographs and previous research, this story would never have been revealed.

See the Full Story below...

Tombstones found on the Delaware River shoreline
at the base of the Betsy Ross bridge

- The Full Story -


So we learn about history
in the hope to never repeat the wrong,
but in 1956 tombstones were discarded and...

Today they are found
Rest in Peace?

The Tombstones on the Delaware River shore
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

The previous CBS Channel 3 Eyewitness News Video...
River Mystery - Gravestones Found Along The Banks Of Delaware River

...because of time restraints, was taken of the tombstones at high tide
and during a period of intense spring growth of vegetation.

The following photographs however,
better illustrate what is most usually seen along the Delaware River most all of the year
to pleasure boaters, sightseeing boats, fishermen, bird watchers, nature lovers and hikers.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

The above tombstone photographs are of a few of the 22 or so tombstones
that are visable here at low* tide.

* Low tide occurs 2 times each day

Hopefully someone seeing this story
with the authority, influence and means to correct this situation
will be encouraged to call Valerie Morrison at (215) 483-8881

But if all else fails,
Valerie still has her "Plan B", that being...
Valerie has a big heart, and an even bigger backyard.

Research reveals that the tombstones came from...
Monument Cemetery


The Monument Cemetery was located at North Broad and Berks streets
and was Philadelphia's second rural cemetery.

The Monument Cemetery Gatehouse and Chaple
The Monument Cemetery Front Gatehouse and Chaple entrance to the cemetery on west side of Broad Street

It was established in 1839
and at that time was situated in the unpopulated outskirts of Philadelphia.

Sadly by 1865 the city had expanded and now surrounded the cemetery,
and the Monument Cemetery, now landlocked, was now found to be...
"In the way of everything"

The Monument Cemetery in 1865
1865 Map of the Monument Cemetery*
(* Surrounded by row homes and Temple College landlocked across the street)

In 1929 it had taken its last burial as it was now at its maximum capacity of 28,000 graves
and now due to a ever diminishing lack of perpetual care funds, started to deteriorate,
was being vandalized and was attracting unwanted undesirable people.

The Monument Cemetery was being vandalized
A 1938 photograph of some of the tombstones that were routinely vandalized

And along with the inhabitants of our now "Modern" City of Philadelphia
no longer tolerating its Victorian statuary now considered "out of vogue"...
"It just had to go"

Although the owners tried desperately to sell it to another cemetery
that would preserve and respectfully take care of it...

In 1956, The City of Philadelphia, pressured for over 10 years by landlocked neighbor Temple University
finally condemned and claimed the Monument Cemetery
so that Temple University could use the cleared cemetery property
for their immediate need of a parking lot
and later for the inevitable expansion of their campus.

The Monument Cemetery in 1865
A 2012 satellite photo showing the Temple holdings now occupying the old Monument Cemetery property that include...
The Student Pavilion*, Parking Lot 1, The Oval Track, The Recreation Field, 7 Tennis Courts and a Volleyball Court
(*During the digging of it's foundation, marble casket handles and fragments of tombstones were unearthed)

In 1956 The City of Philadelphia paid Lawnview* Cemetery $700,000.00
to relocate the graves (but not the tombstones) with dignity to their cemetery in Rockledge.
From January 1956 to the end of summer, a team of 25 workers dug up 26,500 bodies.

* Lawnview Cemetery was awarded the contract as it was the lowest bidder of two bids.
Additionally it was also chosen to exhume the graves
as it was also located closer to Monument Cemtery than the other cemetery bidder,
thus affording the relatives, who suddenly found their loved one's graves missing at Monument cemetery,
a shorter distance to travel to Lawnview to see their graves.

The exhumation of the Monument Cemetery graves
Photograph of the removal of the graves taking place

During the time of the exhumation of the graves,
and due to the City of Philadelphia's budgetary limitations,
most of the tombstones were not taken to Lawnview with the remains,
but were instead sold as rip/rap* to contractors
(* Rubble to protect shorelines from water erosion)

many of which were supposedly crushed and then dumped in the Delaware River to protect the foundation
of the Betsy Ross Bridge that was soon to be built there.

The Tombstones on the Delaware River shore
A 2012 Aerial view of the Tombstones dumped on the Delaware River Philadelphia shore that are visable at low tide

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Unfortunately at low tide...
(and with whatever that may have covered them from view 56 years ago now washed away...)
...about 50 of the tombstones of these early Philadelphians,
as witnessed by pictures taken by Ed Snyder, "pwbaker" and other concerned citizens,
are clearly visible today on the Philadelphia shoreline of the Delaware River
near the base of the Betsy Ross bridge.

Further research reveals that...
The appearance of these tombstones has been noticed as early as 1980
and since then there have been no indications that any political figure or city agency
has come forward to remedy this situation which is the focus and eventual goal
of Valerie Morrison and this her web site.

So where are the rest of the 28,000 tombstones?
Mystery Solved?

So 50 tombstones are discovered revealing themselves at low tide...
But where are the rest of the 28,000 tombstones?

With further research prompted by a psychic's "hunch", I review older maps of the shoreline
and find that the shoreline before the removal of the tombstones
was very much different than the shoreline that is there today.

The Delaware River shoreline today
The Delaware River shoreline today

The shoreline in 1955
An "Air Brushed" photo of what the Delaware River shoreline in 1955 looked like.
[Before the tombstones were removed from Monument Cemetery in 1956]

Notice that the Frankford Canal has not been built yet
and of course the Betsy Ross Bridge would not be in this photo either.

The Delaware River shoreline today
The Delaware River shoreline today

It looks like the City of Philadelphia gave their town of Bridesburg
500 feet of new real estate added to their eastern boundary.

The dump trucks probably backed up to the old shoreline (in red)
and dumped load after load of tombstones growing and extending the old shoreline
500 feet into the Delaware River creating the new shoreline (in white).

This was done obviously to protect from water erosion
one of the foundation supports of the Betsy Ross Bridge
that would be built there a few years later
and also to protect the mouth of the Frankford Canal,
which ironically was built in 1956,
the same year that the tombstones where removed from Monument Cemetery.

If the 28,000* tombstones were indeed all put here at this location,
The City of Philadelphia (or whomever did the work) should be commended for doing an excellent job
of at least putting the Monument Cemetery tombstones to good use.

They apparently initially covered them up well
as it is only after 56 years of water erosion that they are now revealing themselves
and their only shortcoming was in not periodically checking the site to maintain the erosion
which may or may have not been their responsibility.

The change of the Delaware River shoreline where the tombstones are found

* A better estimate of how many tombstones were abandoned is 13,250.
This is based on the fact that, although there were 28,000 people buried in Monument Cemetery,
"only" 26,500 graves were unclaimed and assuming there were on average 2 names per tombstone,
this would suggest that there were half or 13,250 tombstones abandoned.

To the scores of Poor Souls...
Interred in Cemeteries across our country,
scores of Poor Souls lay forgotten in their graves.

Many are adorned with beautiful pieces of art
depicting both the sadness and the hope of a better place.

Sadly many are plagued by vandalism, disrepair, neglect
and with no surviving relatives and/or depleated perpetual care cemetery funds
left to care for them.

To the scores of Poor Souls   To the scores of Poor Souls   To the scores of Poor Souls

In this day and age of ever increasing urban population
the dead unfortunately must give way to the living.

Fortunately we now all see that the relocation of cemeteries,
although a very expensive endevor indeed,
must be accomplished with greater care and respect to our forefathers.

Valerie Morrison, as a Psychic Medium, often finds herself speaking with the dead...
These people are screaming at her!

Maybe in the near future a group of volunteers could be assembled
to retrieve the Monument Cemetery tombstones that are visible at low tide
and have them relocated to a small fenced-in plot
at a existing cemetery not threatened with expansion, or...

Since they are without remains and not subject to any Department of Health regulations,
they can be moved to a park in Philadelphia or even better, and for the greatest tribute,
returned to a little park setting at the Temple University Campus grounds from whence they came...
Their sacred ground

A place for the retreaved Monument Cemetery tombstones?

Philadelphia is truely a wonderful place to live and Valerie Morrison, as a concerned citizen,
wants only to help keep "The City of Brotherly Love" true to its cause.

The how and why this situation with these tombstones developed is of no importance
and likewise the blame is neither implied or directed at any one.

The good news is that we all today now see clearly the mistakes in judgement of our past...
Attesting to a genuine improvement of our humanity.

Mar 1, 2012

Valerie Morrison has currently started discussions
with Donald Sloan President of the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society
in an effort to develope a plan to retrieve the Monument Cemetery tombstones
and relocate them to a respectful and final resting place.

When a final working plan has been carefully formulated...

Valerie will start by contacting local authorities first
and if after pursuing all possible sources
no contacted organization or political entity
comes forward with the desire or ability to remedy this injustice...

Valerie will respectfully make an official appeal
to Philadelphia's Mayor Michael A. Nutter who Valerie strongly believes,
because of the Mayor's upbringing and genuine integrity in dealing with issues such as this,
will help find a way to make this right.

Mar 8, 2012

Pending further discussions, the following preliminary plan* has been formulated thus far...
(* Subject to the Approval, Laws and Ordinances of The City of Philadelphia and other applicable Federal agencies)

  Our Mission:

  This particular preliminary plan is to only retrieve the tombstones located at the shoreline
  to the Betsy Ross bridge that are visible in a effort to acknowledge once only
  the injustice that was done.

  This plan is not fashioned by any means to set a precedent on the disposition of
  the potential future discovery of the rest of the 14,000 estimated tombstones
  that economically speaking will never be able to be retrieved and repatriated to their graves.

  In the case of these tombstones the best that we can hope for is to insure that they remain covered,
  that a delegation of clergy will travel to the site to bless them and
  a memorial plaque will be placed there to remember them by.


  01- All exposed intact tombstones (22 estimated) will be rescued and relocated
  as well as the fragmented tombstones with names that can be reassembled.

  Due to the nature of the Delaware River's unpredictable strong currents,
  and not to contribute by drowning any more instances of death to this area,
  Valerie insists that any tombstones out of safe reach (beyond ankle deep water at low tide)
  will not, under any circumstances, be attempted to be retrieved
  (even with the assistance of professional divers who are already volunteering)
  and the fate of these tombstones unfortunately must remain where they lie for eternity.

  02- Any miscellaneous stonework that is artistically appealing will be collected as well
  and used as adornment for the new plot.

  03- A perpetual web site will be created after the recovery as a depository for historic
  data found about each individual's life allowing their present day relatives valuable search clues
  that will enable them to find and be reunited with their ancestors once again.

  04- All tombstones removed will be replaced with equal or greater amounts of concrete building rubble
  (natural rock would be better) to abate the erosion that continues along this shoreline
  that vitally needs to be kept intact.

  05- Artistically appealing signs will be posted at the site advising any future visitors
  who find additional overlooked tombstones and or fragments, who they can notify
  for collection and relocation.

  06- The Delaware River Port Authority as well as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  will also be notified for any tombstones recovered during future dredging operations
  on the Delaware River.

  07- Any individuals, that have in the past, collected and now have in their possession any
  of the tombstones, are asked to return them - no questions asked.

  08- All names of the donators, volunteers and those of political influence aiding in this
  endeavor will be immortalized as well at the new location.

  09- If City funding is found to be unavailable for this project...
  A "Monument Cemetery Tombstone Recovery Fund" will be established at a local bank
  for those individuals wishing to make monetary donations for this endeavor.

  10- If a City workforce is found to be unavailable for this project...
  A "Hot Line" will be established for volunteers that wish to pledge
  their Time and/or Materials and/or Services.

Easter Sunday
Apr 8, 2012

After careful deliberation Valerie Morrison and her advocates propose
that the most reasonable remedy to the recovery of these tombstones should be that...

Lawnview Cemetery
Should be contacted and if agreeable to the plan be paid to reunite each of the 22 or so tombstones found
to their respective graves at their cemetery.

The City of Philadelphia
With research now suggesting that the entire population of the Monument Cemetery tombstones
may all be here on the Delaware Shore, the only reasonable remedy to this dilemma,
after reuniting only the tombstones that are visible to their graves at Lawnview Cemetery,
is to cover with bleached concrete rubble (or better yet white rock) the shoreline
to stop the erosion and further exposure of the next tombstones in line
that could succumb to this same fate.

In retrospect, The City of Philadelphia should be commended for doing an excellent job
of putting the Monument Cemetery tombstones, that they unwillingly inherited back in 1956,
to good use protecting the foundation of the Betsy Ross Bridge and the mouth of the Frankford Canal
(which has finally stopped the years of flooding occurring in Bridesburg) that is indeed vital.

It appears that The City of Philadelphia initially covered the tombstones up well
as it is only after 64 years of water erosion that they are now revealing themselves
and the City's only shortcoming was in not periodically checking the site to maintain the erosion.

Valerie Morrison and her associates are very much embarrassed to have money spent on this recovery
when it would certainly be better spent feeding the hungry and helping those financially caught
in the current economic quagmire that many of us find ourselves in today.

It is our hope that this recovery will be performed entirely with donations
and will not be allowed to become another expense to the City of Philadelphia.

The buttressing of the shoreline does not have to be done immediately
just as long as a genuine effort and improvement to the shoreline can be seen taking place regularly.

In the event that only a token few* of the 50 tombstones are allowed to be recovered,
and to insure their descendants an opportunity to claim them in the future...
Before the remaining tombstones are left behind and reburied...

An accurate accounting of the names on each of the 50 tombstones should be made
accompanied with a photograph of each tombstone taken with scale.

The GPS location of the reburial site of each tombstone should also be noted
as well as a 2" diameter metal target epoxied to each tombstone
for retrieval in the future if necessary with metal detectors

This work could be accomplished
by Temple University or other University Archaeological students
as a practice instructional field outing that is typically a part of their normal curriculum
at no or minimal cost to the city.

* If a choice as to what tombstones are to be reunited with their graves at Lawnview Cemetery,
Captain William Henry Heilman's tombstone is suggested as his past life best represents
most all that mankind strives for today.

Temple University Campus
Should be cordially asked to allow us to dedicate a plaque
installed prominently next to their founder Dr. Russell Conwell's grave...

In memory of the 28,000 souls removed from the Monument Cemetery
now occupied by the Temple University Campus
- The Dead who gave way to The Living -

Dr. Russell Conwell was Temple University's founder.
He and his wife Sarah were also interred at Monument Cemetery and when the 28,000 graves were removed,
their graves were sent by Temple to and entombed at West Laurel Hill Cemetery in Bala Cynwyd.

Three years later, in June 1959, Temple brought their graves back to the Temple University Campus / Monument Cemetery Site
and they were reburied in an alcove that rests along North Broad Street between Conwell and Wachman Halls.

10 years later, late in the summer of 1968, they were moved once again, this time
to what was then the newly constructed "Founder's Garden" in the Temple University Campus grounds where they remain today.

For humanitarian reasons,
we find it only befitting that the 28,000 others
who had no one "to take them home",
be honored equally as much as Temple University's founder at "Founder's Garden".

Social Injustice
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Rest in Peace

April 15, 2012

Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every bridge...

We just received a report from one of Valerie's New Jersey clients
who recalled a story in the New Jersey Courier Post in the early 1980's,
that some children were playing at the Delaware River on the Pennsauken New Jersey side
of the Betsy Ross bridge when they came across a tombstone at the waters edge.

A concerned parent contacted the Courier Post and a story was done.
The client did not remember reading or hearing another thing about it
until seeing Valerie's Newsletter story.

Frank DeAngelo has not been able to find this Courier Post article
that could determine if the tombstone is "one of ours" or from another cemetery.

Ironically the same day another individual happened to mention something similar.
He also said that he had heard, about the same time in the past,
that tombstones had been found at the Pennsauken New Jersey side of the Betsy Ross Bridge
and as far down the Delaware River coast to Camden.

If this information is correct that New Jersey has a similar problem,
then this abandonment is even more wide spread than first anticipated.

April 18, 2012

We have been following the many plans* already in existence by other agencies
(* Frankford Greenway Plan, Delaware River Trail Project, etc., etc.)

to make the shore area along the Frankford Creek and Frankford Canal
and the shore area North and South along the Delaware River
where the Frankford Canal meets the Delaware River a part of a green belt park.

The area proposed by these other agencies to become part of the green belt park system
is the area within the green lines of the below map.

With research now suggesting that the entire population of the Monument Cemetery tombstones
may all be here on the Delaware Shore, it has been the suggestion of pwbaker,
who supplied some of the photographs of the tombstones,
that if the green belt park finally comes to fruition, that the area noted in the map below
be devoted to the Monument Tombstones with the recovered tombstones placed here**,
and name it, as per our Frank DeAngelo's suggestion, "Monument Park".

** This would be the most affordable alternative solution compared to reuniting the exposed tombstones to Lawnview Cemetery.
Additionally, it would also provide a convenient place for any new intact tombstones exposed in the future to be relocated.

Monument Park?

- Monument Park -
Do we finally have our park for the tombstones?

- NOTE -
To remind us all of the removal of Monument Cemetery that took place back in 1956...
At the very least one (1) tombstone should be reunited with it's grave at Lawnview Cemetery
and that choice, in our opinion, should be that of Captain William Henry Heilman
as his past life best represents most all that mankind strives for today.

When his tombstone is finally reunited with his grave, we anticipate the following ceremony...
A sermon by the clergy returning him to his grave, A rifle salute by Civil War Union and Confederate re-enactors
followed by a rifle salute by our modern day Army (Hopefully members of the 15th Infantry to whom Heilman fought under
and noted for their most decorated American combat soldier of World War II, Audie Murphy),
Taps, Echo Taps, A military Fly-Over and more, as we now continually hear from more and more orgaizations
wanting to contribute to this endeavor.

Social Injustice
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Soon to Rest in Peace?

May 9, 2012

- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

This photograph is of Ed Snyder the photographer and author
whose photographs and extensive research about these tombstones,
that he published to the web over a year ago,
prompted Valerie Morrison's intervention to this moral disgrace of leaving these 22 tombstones exposed.

Ed is seen here during his last trek to the site to determine the weights of the tombstones
in anticipation of an eventual retrieval and also to check on Captain William Henry Heilman's tombstone,
an endless vigil until Captain Heilman is rescued.

May 19, 2012

Valerie's trip to Lawnview Cemetery to visit Captain William Henry Heilman's grave

This is the Marker to the Heilman Family grave plot
where somewhere near here lies Captain William Henry Heilman's grave.

We have been receiving many reports from others who have been to these graves in the past
and are following this story with high interest that...

The Monument graves are here within the white rectangle

...they report that the place of burial of the Monument Cemetery graves,
(the area within the white rectangle above)

appears as a empty grass field as this aerial view map indicates
and this entire grave site appears to have no signage noting that the
Monument Cemetery graves are even buried here.

Additionally some reports also indicate that...
Although the retangular holes are visible, some of the metal Markers are missing entirely and should be replaced.

Our goal is to return Captain William Henry Heilman's tombstone*
now located amongst trash on the Delaware River shoreline, back to his grave here.

To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...

During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Now it is our time to rescue you.

Soon you will rest in peace once again.
To this I promise you.

* Because it is our understanding that Lawnview Cemetery does not allow "above the ground" tombstones
on the site of the Monument Cemetery graves, we have the following suggestions...

1- Pay Lawnview to lay the tombstones horizontally and flush to the ground at their respective gravesites.
2- Pay Lawnview to have the grass around the Tombstones perpetually trimmed.

Why we must honor the dead of Monument Cemetery
Philadelphia's second rural cemetery

In addition, of course, to the universally accepted right of the dead by all civilizations
to be respected while maintaining and insuring their peace at their final resting places...

We must also remember and understand
that the accomplishments of the dead when they were living
directly contributed to who we are and what our way of life is today.

No you say? You don't see any connection?

Try this often-overlooked scenario on for size...

One of the 28 tombstones found is that of William Henry Heilman
a Union Army Captain who fought gallantly in the Civil War.
More than 700 other Union solders like him were also buried in the cemetery.

Had the outcome of the Civil War been different
if Captain William Heilman and his brave comrades had not courageously won the war
the Civil Rights Movement in this country, by many historical projections,
could have been delayed 50 years.

Think of it, the headlines of today in 2012
could still have been the headlines of 50 years ago, 1962...

Segregated schools, restaurants, bathrooms, buses and water fountains.
Clubings, police dogs biting and water canons knocking demonstrators to the ground.
No equal pay, no equal representation, no chance at a higher education
and all the rest of the multitude of injustices that occurred in 1962
could currently still be at issue today!

And more importantly one year later in 1963...
Dr. Martin Luther King with 200,000 of his followers
marched onto the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
where he delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream".

Dr. Martin Luther King's dream in 2012 is with no doubt a reality...
but had it been postponed 50 years, today it may have still been only a dream.

And finally...

If the above scenario about Captain William Henry Heilman and his Civil War comrades
seems too non specific and does not move you,
maybe this story specifically about Captain William Henry Heilman and the cycle of life will...

The Wissahickon Boys Club for black boys between the ages of 6 and 18
holds the honor of two of it's alumni being Bill Cosby and football player Herb Adderley.

Bill Cosby of course went to Temple and honors them frequently whenever he is in town
and Herb Adderley, after he retired from football, ironically came back to Philadelphia
to broadcast football games for Temple University for years.

Captain William Henry Heilman,
after surviving the Civil War went on to become married and had two daughters,
Bessie W. Heilman born in January 1869 and Ada Heilman born in April 1870.

Bessie W. Heilman grew up to become a schoolteacher and in 1892 she was the assistant
to the principal at the "Kindergarten Number 1" school located in Germantown.

The Wissahickon Boys Club's educational history instilled in their students,
who now included Bill Cosby and Herb Adderley, essentially to be all that they could be
and ironically, you guessed it, was formerly known as the "Kindergarten Number 1" school.

So Temple University's Campus that once held the tombstone of the man,
who later had a schoolteacher daughter, who would teach at a school,
that would later teach Bill Cosby and Herb Adderley, who would, after highly successful careers,
no doubt helped brought on by these early teachings, return to honor Temple University.

The Discovery of the Monument Cemetery tombstones
Chronology of the previously posted data to the web

Not possessing any of Valerie Morrison's abilities as a psychic,
and with my only method of finding things restricted to surfing with Google on the web...

In the process of researching my curiosity about my grandfather's connection
with the digging up of the graves of Lafayette cemetery
(another horrifying story later described in this newsletter),
I stumbled onto the reports of the Monument Cemetery tombstones on the Delaware shore.

You see "my discovery" of the tombstones
is actually a re-discovery of what was previously reported
by a select few other concerned citizens before me on the web.

Although the photographs of the tombstones were all taken within the last two years,
reports are coming in that the tombstones have been seen there as early as 1980.

It should be noted that in the following chronological list
of what was reported on the web about these tombstones,
that those that I have noted "Contributor: Respectfully unidentified"
is not out of disrespect to their contribution
but merely because I have not connected with them as of yet
to acquire their approval to specifically identify them.
They are however cordially invited to contact us at any time to add their contribution.

Without all of these below listed contributors data and visuals
and the assemblance of this data here in one place on the web,
Valerie Morrison's current attempt to correct this injustice
would never have been made possible.

Jan 18, 2001
First known written report of the discovery of the tombstones
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Dec 12, 2010
First known photographs of one tombstone taken by a kayaker on the Delaware
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Apr 30, 2011
First extensive and comprehensive series of photographs of all the tombstones found
plus a very highly detailed investigation and report of this story
Contributor: Ed Snyder - Photographer/Author

Sep 30, 2011
Additional photographs, research and story
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Oct 23, 2011
Additional photographs
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Feb 22, 2012
Research and a video produced
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Mar 10, 2012
Extensive and comprehensive series of photographs of all the tombstones found
Contributor: PWBaker

May 02, 2012
Report of a fisherman encountering the tombstones around 1980
Contributor: Respectfully unidentified

Contributors to this Website and Cause
Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium
The Quest to relocate the visable tombstones to a respectful and final resting place

Frank DeAngelo
Manager - Valerie Morrison Ltd
Research of the story and the deceased, Website developement, Tombstone Retrieval Plan
Suggestion to call the immediate area, if allowed to display the tombstones, "Monument Park"

Donald Sloan
President - Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society
Tombstone Retrieval Plan
Ensure the adjacent area is free of exposed tombstones
(happy to report no other exposed tombstones other than the 22 or so visible ones)

Tombstone photographs
Suggestion to make the immediate area a park dictated to the Monument Tombstones

Ed Snyder
Photographer & Author
Extensive research and Tombstone photographs
Field measurements of the tombstones to determine weights
in anticipation of an eventual retrieval

Nick Bucci
Stone and Fine Woodwork Restoration Artisan, Historian,
Member of the Roxborough, Manayunk and Wissahickon Historical Society,
Member of the Kelpius Society of Philadelphia
Field feasibility study of the retrieval and restoration of the tombstones

Jim Loudon
Recorder / Designated Contact Person
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS)
Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania
His Commandery is actively engaged in an effort to move Captain Heilman's
Monument Cemetery tombstone to a more appropriate location.

Adam P. Flint
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS)
Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania
In reviewing Jim Loudon's report to him,
Adam has advised us that we have his Commandery's full support
and salute us for doing such a noble job.
He is interested in exploring ways we can work together to facilitate our mutual goals

Now an attempt to breathe life back to the Tombstones

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Mary Ann Leeman
1829 - 1894

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline

I see Mary Ann and her Tombstone so all alone...
But as those with no conscious walk the shore,
they see just a rock with some lettering
and nothing more.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline

And sadly between the dates on every tombstone you will find,
The story of their life that can never be told,
with just a simple chiseled line.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline

But fortunately I and others hear the Tombstones say, as we pass them by...
"As you are now, so once was I".

So with the above sad thoughts in mind...

I decided to do some research and hopefully bring some meaning back
to Mary Ann Leeman and her tombstone
and all the rest of those that were stranded upon this shore.

In 1880 Mary Ann Leeman was 45 years old and married to Samuel Leeman age 50 (born in 1830)
a Sea Captain and were living at 1820 Mervine Street in Philadelphia.

Living with them were their daughters Adelia H. Leeman age 25 (born in 1854),
Mary Leeman age 23 (born in 1857), Lucy P. Leeman age 17 (born in 1863)
and their son Frank A. Leeman age 16 (born in 1864).

The entire Leeman family was born in Maine.

Also residing with them
(See the next photograph below)
was their son-in-law Charles C. Platt age 26
(born in Connecticut in 1854) who was a Sea Officer
and was married to their second daughter Mary Leeman.

On May 15, 1883 in Philadelphia
Mary Leeman Platt gave birth to their son
Charles Alexander Leeman Platt

Charles Alexander Leeman Platt

Sadly 2 years, 10 months and 13 days later on March 28, 1886
Charles C. and Mary Leeman Platt
lost their son Charles Alexander Leeman Platt to Diphtheria.
On March 31, 1886 he was buried at Monument Cemetery
(Location in family lot: Grave 2 South Foot)
On April 12, 1886 his grave was relocated at Monument Cemetery
(Lot 614, Section A)
On August 27, 1956 his grave was exhumed and removed to Lawnview Cemetery
(Lawn: Broad, Sec: 42, Graves: 41-42-43-44)

On October 3, 1893 tragedy struck again when Charles C. Platt
lost his wife Mary Leeman Platt at age 36 to Pneumonia.
On October 7, 1893 she was buried at Monument Cemetery
(Location in family lot: Grave 3 South Foot)
On August 27, 1956 her grave was exhumed and removed to Lawnview Cemetery
(Lawn: Broad, Sec: 42, Graves: 41-42-43-44)

On March 20, 1894 at age 65, Mary Ann Leeman, Mary Leeman Platt's Mother, died.
She was listed as being from Eastport Maine and was still living at 1820 Mervine Street.
On March 24, 1894 she was buried at Monument Cemetery
(Location in family lot: Grave 3 North)
On August 27, 1956 her grave was exhumed and removed to Lawnview Cemetery
(Lawn: Broad, Sec: 42, Grave: 45)

On November 7, 1909 at age 86, Mary Ann Leeman's husband, Captain Samuel Leeman
died while in Staten Island, New York.
On November 10, 1909 he was buried at Monument Cemetery
(Location in family lot: Grave 4 North)
On August 27, 1956 his grave was exhumed and removed to Lawnview Cemetery
(Lawn: Broad, Sec: 42, Grave: 48)

The School Ship USS Adams

School Ship USS Adams - Launched in 1874

Charles C. Platt went on to become a Sea Captain
and held the position of a instructor aboard the School Ship USS Adams
of the Pennsylvania Nautical School
where he trained new mariners,
at its homeport at 10 North Wharves Dock in Philadelphia and out at sea,
the science of navigation.

On April 17, 1929 at age 75 Charles died from Heart Disease.
On April 20, 1929 he was buried at Monument Cemetery
in a Square Pine Case measuring 7'5" x 31"
(Location in family lot: Grave 3 South Foot) other reports (Lot 614, Section A, Grave 3 South)
His undertaker was Frankenfeld and his funeral plot cost $25.00
On August 27, 1956 his grave was exhumed and removed to Lawnview Cemetery
(Lawn: Broad, Sec: 42, Graves: 41-42-43-44)

Other Leeman-Platt family tombstones found...
Mary Leeman's older sister Adelia H. Leeman (born in 1854) individual tombstone was found...

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

...reveiling that her middle name was Harriet and that she passed in 1901.
Further research finds that she died on November 6, 1901 to be exact
and was living at 815 N. 45th Street in Philadelphia.

Mary Leeman's only brother Frank A. Leeman's tombstone was never found
but further research shows that he married Jane M. (nee MacElwee) who died on September 2, 1915
and was also living at 815 N. 45th Street in Philadelphia.

Charles C. and Mary Leeman Platt's tombstone was also found
(See the next photograph below)
but sadly the little tombstone of their almost 3 year old son Charles Alexander
has never been found along these shores.

Charles C. and Mary Leeman Platt's tombstone

The picture below is of the picture above, flipped to read

Above picture flipped to read
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Mary Leeman Platt
1857 - 1893

Charles C. Platt
1853 - 1929

October 7, 1893 Philadelphia Inquirer
Mary Leeman Platt's Obituary

Mary Leeman Platt's 1893 Obituary

Other Platt family members buried at Monument Cemetery...

Buried July 28, 1895 / A.D. Holland died at age 33 (born about 1862)
(Location in family lot: Grave 2 North)

Buried October 7, 1926 / Frances Patterson died at age "Still Born" (born 1926)
(Location in family lot: Grave 2 South Foot)

Buried January 9, 1929 / Rudolph Platt died at age 38 (born about 1891)
(Location in family lot: Grave 1 South Foot)

Buried October 11, 1958 / Miss Geraldine L. Platt died at age 71 (born about 1887)
(Location in family lot: Grave 42 - 6Ft Deep)
Address in 1955: 6905 Shalkop Street in Philadelphia

Also this tombstone from the picture above...

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Magdalena Heilman
1818 - 1906

Further research reveals...

Magdalena Heilman was born in Germany as was her father John Gurne and her mother Mary Staff.

Magdalena was married to Casimir C. Heilman.
From 1880 to 1890 she was living at 607 Parrish Street in Philadelphia.

On or about January 4, 1895 she became a widow
as confirmed by a newspaper article showing that she received a pension.

In 1897 she was living at 850 N 11th Street Philadelphia.

Magdalena died at age 88 years 1 month 1 day on August 5, 1906
and at that time was living at 717 N. 11th Street in Philadelphia.

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Catharine Mc Dowell
Relic of
James Gordon
Born April 14, 1815
Died January 20, 1903

Virginia Gordon
Born March 24, 1850
Died December 18, 1867

The above epitaph should be read...
Catharine (maiden name Mc Dowell) Gordon is the mother of Virginia Gordon
and the widow (aka Relic) of her husband James Gordon.
The dates "Born April 14, 1815" and "Died January 20, 1903" are Catharine's
not her husband James's.

Further research reveals...

In about 1802 James Gordon was born in Ireland.

On April 14, 1815 Catharine (aka Cathrine, Cathan) Mc Dowell (James Gordon's future wife)
was born in Ireland, as were both her parents.

In 1840 Catharine immigrated to America.

James and Catharine Gordon had the following children...

Nathaniel (aka Nathl, Nath) Gordon
Born April 19, 1840 in Philadelphia
and was baptized on October 25 1840 either at the "Church of the Beloved Disciple"
or the Episcopal "Church of the Ascension" in Philadelphia.

Frances (aka Fanni, Fannie, Fanny) Gordon
born June 17, 1842 in Pennsylvania
and was baptized by Minister Fredrick Qgilby on January 22, 1843
at the "Church of the Beloved Disciple" in Philadelphia.

Catharine J Gordon Jr. (aka Cathrine, Cathryne J, C. Jame)
Born July ??, 1847 in Pennsylvania

Virginia (aka Jennette) Gordon
Born March 24, 1850 in Philadelphia
and was baptized on November 3, 1850
at the "All Saints Episcopal Parish" in Philadelphia.

Margaret Jane Gordon
Born December ??, 1851 in (place of birth not found)
and was baptized by Reverend Charles Frederick Schaeffer on December 29, 1852
either at the "Church of the Ascension" or the "Church of the Beloved Disciple" in Philadelphia.

James Peydon Gordon Jr.
Born March 10, 1856 in Philadelphia
and was baptized on August 17, 1855
at "The Church of the Mediator" in Philadelphia.

In 1850 the family was living at 361 (street name unknown)
in the "Cedar Ward" section of Philadelphia.
Mary Mc Gintey age 14 (born about 1836), relationship unknown, was also living there.

In 1860 the family was living at 1891 (street name unknown)
in the "Ward 7" section of Philadelphia.
James Gordon and his son Nathaniel had occupations that of a Plasterer
and their home was valued at $4,000.
Edward Tilghman age 28, Isabella Tilghman age 19 and Ella Tilghman age 5 months,
all relationship unknown, were also living there.

In 1863 the family was living at 1816 Lombard Street in Philadelphia
and the Gordon family would continue to live here up until 1903.

On August 7, 1863 tragedy struck the Gordons
when their son James Gordon Jr., age 7 years 1 month, drowned while bathing in a pond.
He was buried on August 10, 1863 at Monument Cemetery.

The location of this tragedy today is at 21st and Washington Ave
in that before the end of the Civil War in 1865, Washington Ave was called Prime Street.

In 1864 James Gordon was now listed in Philadelphia Directories as a Stonecutter.

On December 18, 1867 tragedy struck again
when their daughter Virginia (aka Jennette) Gordon died at age 18.
Virginia was still single and was buried by the Reverend Samuel E Appleton
on December 23, 1867 at Monument Cemetery.

In 1870 James Gordon and his son Nathaniel are now both American citizens
and Nathaniel's occupation is also that of a Stone Cutter.
Their home now is valued at $7,000.

On January 1, 1877 James Gordon died at age 77
and left Catharine a widow and Nathaniel in charge.
James was buried on January 4, 1877 at Monument Cemetery.

On May 11, 1885 death struck the family again when Nathaniel died at age 45.
Nathaniel was still a Stone Cutter and single.
He was buried on May 14, 1885 at Monument Cemetery
with his funeral presided over by the Reverend Samuel E Appleton
taking place at the Episcopal "The Church of the Mediator".

In 1900 widow Catharine Gordon's home at 1816 Lombard Street in Philadelphia
was now owned free and clear of a mortgage.

On January 20, 1903 Catharine Gordon died at age 88.
Catharine was living with her two daughters Frances and Catharine Jr.
and was buried on January 23, 1903 at Monument Cemetery
with her funeral presided over by the Reverend Samuel E. Appleton.

In 1908 Frances Gordon, now the head of the household, and her sister Cathryne J Gordon
are now living on their own savings at 2612 16th Street
which is owned and free of a mortgage.

On July 4, 1916 Catharine Gordon (Jr.) died at age 69.
Catharine was still single and living at 2612 16th Street in Philadelphia.
She was buried on July 7, 1916 at Monument Cemetery.

On January 4, 1924 Frances Gordon died of pneumonia at age 74.
Frances was still single and living at 2612 16th Street in Philadelphia.
She was buried on January 7, 1924 at Monument Cemetery in Lot No. 783, Section B, Grave 1-N.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Bartholomew Green
1853 - 1906

Further research reveals...

At the time of the U.S. Federal Census of 1870, Bartholomew Green was 18
and living at 2410 Coral Street in Philadelphia with his father Lewis M. age 53,
his mother Harriet age 53, and his sister Elizabeth age 25.

In 1877 Bartholomew's father died
but the remaining family continued to live at 2410 Coral Street up until 1881.

The following detrimental phrases and wording used, that I highlighted in red, are not mine
but are the original terminology and spelling used by our forefathers at a time in 1880
when those with mental and other disabilities
were terribly described, disgraced and treated harshly.
Only the words between the () I have added to clarify some assumed meanings.

At the time of the U.S. Federal Census of 1880,
Harriet Green is 63 and has taken Julia Ghegan age 35 as a boarder.
Bartholomew Green is now 26 years old
and it is now disclosed, by columns checked off, that Bartholomew...
[x]Cannot Read, [x]Cannot Write and [x]Is Idiotic.

With this in mind...
At the time of the standard 1880 Federal Census, a supplemental schedule
called the "U.S. Federal Census - 1880 Schedules (listings) of Defective,
Dependent, and Delinquent Classes (of people)" was also used to
enumerate (to count off or name one by one) the following classes of individuals:
"The Insane, Idiots, Deaf-mutes, the Blind, Paupers and Indigent persons,
Homeless children and Prisoners".

In the "Idiots Supplement", Bartholomew Green is listed with the following notations...

Name: Bartholomew Green
Is he self-supporting or partly so: No
Age at which idiocy occurred: 3
Size of Head (Large, small or natural): Natural
Has this person ever been an inmate of a training school for idiots: No

The instructions to the enumerators (those taking the count and filling out the forms)
is printed and stipulated on each Supplemental Schedule (form) and were...

"The object of this Supplemental Schedule is to furnish material not only for a
complete enumeration (count) of the idiots, but for an account of their condition.

It is important that every inquiry respecting each case be answered as fully as possible.
Enumerators (the form fillers) will, therefore, after making the proper entries
upon the Population Schedule [No. 1]
transfer the name [with Schedule page and number] of every idiot found.

The word "idiot" has a special meaning which it is essential for every enumerator to know.
An idiot is a person the development of whose mental faculties was arrested
in infancy or childhood before coming to maturity. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish
between the stupidity which results from idiocy and that which is due to the loss or deterioration
of mental power in consequence of insanity. The latter is not true idiocy, but dementia or imbecility.

The enumeration (counting) desired for the census is of true idiots only.
Demented persons should be classed with the insane.
Enumerators may obtain valuable hints as to the number of idiots, and their residences,
from physicians who practice medicine in their respective districts."

Needless to say...
Although the instructions of our forefathers in 1880 to the Enumerators was reasonable...
It is refreshing to know we don't use the terms "Idiot" "Imbecility" or "Insane" anymore today.

May God bless you Bartholomew Green.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline

Although you never had a real chance at life
due to the limitations of medical remedies available to you in the time of 1856...
I am sure your mother and father and sister loved you,
and we, now knowing something about your life
rather than just the view of your silent stone upon this shore...
can now say we love you too.

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Mary H. Irons
1823 - 1917
Wife of
Capt. Babel H. Irons

Further research reveals...

Mary was the widow of Zorobabel H. Irons when she died of pneumonia
on May 10, 1917 at age 93.
She was living at 427 W. Rittenhouse Road in Germantown.
Mary was buried at Monument Cemetery on May 14, 1917 at Section 2 North
On August 18, 1956 Mary's grave was exhumed and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery
in Lawn: Susquehanna / Section: 94 / Graves: 36

Zorobabel (Babel) H. Irons was born in 1801 and was a Sea Captain of ships hauling freight.
In 1833 he was living at 2 Noble Street in Philadelphia.

In 1870 they were living at 117 Callowhill Street in Philadelphia.
Babel was 69 and Mary was 48. Living with them were their nine children
Kaete 33, Caroline 31, Martha 28, Emily 26, Mary J. 15, Clara 9,
Laura 9, Joshua 3, and Sallie 3.
Also residing with them was Mary Fortune age 30, relationship unknown,
but with such a large family, most probably she was a domestic or Nanny.

Also in 1870 the Schooner "Babel H. Irons" was built in Wilminton Delaware and named after him.
It was owned and operated by Croskey & Co and it's home of port was Phildelphia.
Babel commanded the ship until his death on Oct. 1, 1872 at age 71.
His funeral was held at 117 Callowhill Street, his and Mary's residence at that time.
They had been living at this address since 1863 and after Babel's death Mary lived here until 1874.
Babel was buried at Monument Cemetery on Oct. 4, 1872 at Section 4 North
On August 18, 1956 Babel's grave was exhumed and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery
in Lawn: Susquehanna / Section: 94 / Graves: 36

In 1878 Mary is shown living at a Boarding House at 513 N. 6th Street.
It is unclear whether or not she was a boarder at the Boarding House or it's live-in owner.

In September 6, 1877 Babel's Schooner, now commanded by another captain (Master Honck),
along with 10 other ships were sunk in a fierce storm that hit the Delaware Bay.
In August 17, 1880 the wreck was removed from the Delaware Bay
by the lowest bidder for $2,156.25.

Ironically one of the last products hauled by the "Babel H. Irons" into Philadelphia
as per a manifest noted in a Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper article,
was granite, no doubt some of which was used by tombstone makers here in Philadelphia.

From 1890 until 1905 Mary is shown living at 3606 N. 22nd Street in Philadelphia.

In August 20, 1905 their daughter Laura H. Irons, age 43 and who was living in Mt. Pocono,
died and was buried at Monument Cemetery on August 24, 1905 at Section 1 North.
On August 18, 1956 Laura's grave was exhumed and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery
in Lawn: Susquehanna / Section: 94 / Graves: 36

In 1910 Mary is shown living at 427 W. Rittenhouse Street in Philadelphia.
Also living with her are her daughters Sallie B. and Clara M. both still single.
Sallie is a Public School Teacher and Clara is not employed.

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Charles A. Ayres M.D.
1851 - 1913

Further research reveals...

Dr. Charles A. Ayres, before moving to Philadelphia, was formerly from Wilkes-Barre, PA.

From 1897 to 1904 he was a member of the Masonic Secret Society
and often met at the Hotel Lafayette*.

*The Historic Lafayette Hotel at 5th and Chestnut Streets had been vacant for 4 years
when Mayor Nutter, in 2011, revitalized and renamed it the Monaco Hotel
bringing 200 permanent and 400 construction jobs into the city.

In July 1, 1903 Dr. Ayres and 129 other physicians were hired as health inspectors
to examine the physical condition of our children in the Philadelphia Public School System.
He and the other inspectors were paid $75 per month
and had a quota forced upon them to examine 500* children per day
in addition to checking the sanitary conditions of the schools.

*With this quota working out to 62 children per hour or 1 per minute...
A very thorough examination was unlikely.

When he died on October 9, 1913 he was married and living at 1505 Morris Street

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

James Stark
Departed this Life
March 9, 1890
Aged 42 Years

Further research reveals...

James was born about 1848 and died suddenly at St. Vincent Hospital while he was in New York.
He was living at 1436 S. Broad Street in Philadelphia when he died.
His occupation was that of a furnature dealer.

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Harrison C. Wright
May 3, 1881
Aged 36 Years
Rest in Peace

Further research reveals...

In about 1844 or 1845 Harrison (Harry) C. Wright was born in Pennsylvania.

His parents were John (aka Jno) Wright born about 1811 in Pennsylvania, as were both his parents
and Sarah Wright born about 1819 in New Jersey, as were both her parents.

In 1850 the Wright family members living at (address unknown)
in the Spring Garden Ward 2 section of Philadelphia were...

Harrison's father John Wright age 39 who was a retail grocer at the time,
Harrison's mother Sarah Wright age 31, Jane Wright age 41 born in Pennsylvania and
relationship unknown and of course Harrison C. Wright age 5.
Their house number may have been 310.

In 1860 the Wright family members living at (address unknown) in Philadelphia were...
Harrison's father John Wright age 48 and still a grocer,
Harrison's mother Sarah Wright age 41, Maria Meur age 20 born in Pennsylvania and
relationship unknown, Thomas (aka Thos) Coyle age 16 born in Pennsylvania and
relationship unknown, Harrison C. Wright age 15 and a new edition to the family
John Wright Jr. age 8 (born about 1852 in Pennsylvania).
Their house number may have been 720 and was worth $ 2,000.00.

In September 1862 a "Harrison C. Wright" is shown as being enlisted
in the 7th Regiment, Company B of the Pennsylvania (Union Army) Volunteers.
This being our Harrison C. Wright is not confirmed.
Also it should be noted that the 7th Regiment, Company B of the Pennsylvania Volunteers
was organized on September 12th to the 15th of 1862 and was discharged on September 26, 1862
and an explanation of this 11 day oddity has not been determined.

In 1870 the Wright family members living at (address unknown) in Philadelphia were...
Harrison's father John Wright age 58 and now a retired grocer,
Harrison's mother Sarah Wright age 51,
Jane W. Stem (John Wright's sister) age 60 born in Pennsylvania
and Joseph Gill age 16 born in New Jersey an apprentice grocer relationship unknown,
Harrison C. Wright age 24 now a manufacturer of varnish
and the family's servant Elizabeth Reed age 16 born in Pennsylvania.
Their house number may have been 439 and was worth $ 7,000.00.
Note that no mention of John Wright Jr., who would have been 18 now,
is made and it can be assumed that he passed away sometime between 1860 and 1870.

In 1872 the Wright family is shown living at 1710 N. 19th street in Philadelphia
and they would continue to live here until 1885.

In 1880 the Wright family members living at 1710 N. 19th street in Philadelphia were...
Harrison's father John Wright age 68 still a retired merchant,
Harrison's mother Sarah Wright age 62, Jane W. Stem age 70
and Harrison C. Wright age 35 now a varnish salesman.

On May 3, 1881 Harrison C. Wright died at age 36
and was buried on May 7, 1881 at Monument Cemetery.
Harrison was married when he passed and to whom he was married to
and where they were living has not yet been determined.

The picture below is flipped to read

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Charles Mortimoore
July 17th 1817
May 2nd 1873

Feb. 9th 1818
Jan. 11th 1889

Further research reveals...

Charles Mortimoore's occupation was that of a Banknote Printer.
On November 21, 1847 Charles Mortimoore was married to Catharine Turner
at the Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.

In 1850 the Mortimoore family members living at (address unknown)
in the Spring Garden Ward 1 section of Philadelphia were...

Charles Mortimoore age 33 a copper plate printer,
Catharine Mortimer his wife age 33 and their 2 sons Harry Clay Mortimer age 2
and Harry Mortimer age 1 month.

During the course of their lives together they lived at...
In 1857: 316 Vine St, In 1859: 828 Vine St, In 1863: 427 N. 9th St.

In 1873 when Charles died at age 56 they were living at 2106 Master Street.

In 1880 Catharine Mortimoore, now widowed, was living at 509 Reed Street
with her son Chas. Mortimoore age 29 and her niece Lavina Taylor age 23 who was a dress maker.

In 1889 Catharine was still living at this address when she died at age 71.

- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Phoebe Mortimoore
Born Dec. 25, 1789
Died Jan. 19, 1861

Further research reveals...

Phoebe (aka Phebe) Mortimoore (aka Mortimore) was Charles Mortimoore's (see above) Mother.

On January 19, 1861 Phoebe died at age 71 years 25 days.
At the time of her death she was living with her son Charles
and her daughter-in-law Catharine at 828 Vine Street in Philadelphia.

Phoebe was buried on January 22, 1861 at Monument Cemetery.

Her son Charles ordered from "Moore" the undertaker the following items listed on his receipt...

      1- Mahogany Coffin lined with Cashmere and Padded for his Mother $ 18.00
      1- Ice Box $ 3.75
      1- Case for the Coffin $ 5.00
      1- Ordering of Grave and Portage of Base $ 1.00
      1- Digging of Grave $ 3.50
      1- Use of Hearse $ 4.00
      1- Use of 10 Carriages $ 25.00

- A Side Note -
William Hill Moore

William Hill Moore was born in 1804 in Trenton, New Jersey and came to Philadelphia in 1819
as an apprentice carpenter making coffins.

At age 22 he started his own business and bought a small shop at 510 Arch Street
with the sole purpose to manufacture coffins in quantity
to reduce the time to bury the dead and make the coffins more affordable.

To make a coffin before its intended occupant was dead had never been heard of before
and while this was appalling to many at the time, having his coffins already at hand
was soon appreciated during the 1820 and 1822 Yellow Fever epidemic
and the 1832 Asiatic Cholera epidemic when thousands of Philadelphians died.

Additionally the burials of infected people were required to be made between 10 PM at night
and be finished by sunrise the following morning in an attempt to limit the exposure
to Philadelphia's working living and William always made himself available to work
under these conditions while most other Philadelphia undertakers would not.

As the oldest undertaker company in the city
and the first to introduce the business as a distinct profession,
William Hill Moore retired after 58 years of service and died about 10 years later in 1887.

William had great compassion for the dead and their survivors
and the William Moore Funeral Home is still in existence today
independently owned and operated by the Moore Family that continues his great legacy.

- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Father & Mother
Robert Glassey
Died Jan. 16, 1855
Jane Glassey
Died Dec. 12, 1888

James W. Glassey
Son of the above
Died Aug. 5, 1891

Further research reveals...

The names on this tombstone were originally reported incorrectly as being Classey.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

Andrew Cousley
Born April 15, 1861
Died December 28, 1895

Margaret Cousley
1856 - 1934

Further research reveals...

On April 15, 1861 Andrew Cousley was born in Ireland as were both his Father and Mother.

In about 1856 Margaret Cousley, Andrew Cousley's wife,
was born in Northern Ireland as were both her Father and Mother.

In 1881 Margaret immigrated to America and was naturalized in 1888.
(Other data sources contradict and indicate immigration in 1885 and naturalization in 1907)

Andrew and Margaret Cousley had the following 3 born and 3 surviving children...

Edith G. Cousley born in New York about 1888
Stanley W. Cousley born in New York about 1888
Herbert J. Cousley born in New York about 1890

On December 28, 1894 Andrew Cousley while living at 1624 Summer Street in Philadelphia,
died at age 34 and was buried at Monument Cemetery.
Although his tombstone states that he died on December 28, 1895, his obituary
in the Philadelphia Inquirer of December 31, 1894 says he died on December 28, 1894.

In 1898 the family was living at 1624 Summer Street in Philadelphia
and the Cousley family would continue to live here up until 1924.

In 1907 Margaret started renting out rooms at her home to supplement
her lost income from her husband. She would continue to do this up until 1917.

In 1910 the Cousley family members living at 1624 Summer Street were...
Margaret Cousley, widowed and head of the house, age 54,
her two sons Stanley W Cousley age 22 and Herbert J Cousley age 20 both clerks at a bank,
her daughter Edith G. Cousley age 23 (now Edith G. Shively)
and her son-in-law Howard S. (Solomon) Shively age 23.
Edith and Howard had been married 10 months and Howard was born in Pennsylvania
and was a clerk at a refining company.

Additionally, Margaret Cousley's occupation was listed as a manager of apartments
and she had the following 8 lodgers also living with her family:
Robert L. Arnes age 23, Walter E. Nolan age 21, Suphia Devlin age 50, Julia Drescher age 33,
Mollie Hambly age 24, Josephina Nolan age 29, William Pratt age 73,
and William Whitehead age 25.

On October 6, 1918 Edith's husband Solomon H. (Howard) Shively (aka Shiveley) died.
He died at age 32 and was living in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

In 1920 the Cousley family members were living at 1832 W. Tioga Street in Philadelphia and were...
Margaret Cousley age 63 and who gave over the head of household
to her daughter Edith G. Shively age 33.
Edith was now a widow of 2 years and unemployed.
Living with them were...
Edith's daughter Margaret L. Shively age 7 who was attending school,
her son Gordon H. Shively age 4 years and 4 months
and her brother Stanley W. Consley age 31 who was a lawyer at a trust company.
The home was being rented.

In 1930 the Cousley family members were still living at 1832 W. Tioga Street and were...
Margaret Cousley now age 74 and her daughter Edith G. Shively age 42.
Edith was now a widow of 12 years and a assistant in a Doctors office.
Living with them were...
Edith's daughter Margaret L. Shively age 17 and son H. Gordon Shively age 14.
The home was now owned without a mortgage and was worth $12,000.

The family would continue to live at 1832 W. Tioga Street up until 1934.

On January 18, 1934 Margaret Cousley died
and was buried on Saturday January 20, 1934 at Monument Cemetery.
She died at age 77 from Myocardiks (aka Myocarditis), a heart muscle infection,
and was still living at 1832 Tioga Street in Philadelphia.

- photo courtesy pwbaker -

Ebenezer Witham
June 21, 1882
In the 74th year of
His Age

Wife of
Ebenezer Witham
April 14, 1893
Aged 81 Years

Further research reveals...

Ebenezer Witham was born about 1808 in England.

His parents were Thomas Witham, a Baptist clergyman born in London,
who married Anna Curry of Scotland.

Together Ebenezer's parents had six children...
Isaac Witham, Thomas Witham (Jr.), Archibald Witham, Mary A. Witham,
Ebenezer Witham and Sarah Elizabeth Witham.

Although not unusual in days gone by, the following facts
from "The Connecticut Quarterly" Volume 3, Page 484 published in 1897 reveals that...

"Ebenezer Witham married his niece"
"Archibald Witham had a daughter who married her uncle"

So life goes on and Ebenezer and his brother Archibald learned the jewelry business.

After succeeding his brother Archibald,
Ebenezer entered into a partnership with John Newman,
under the firm name of Witham & Newman,
as manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers of jewelry.

In 1839 the Witham & Newman Company was located below Market Street at 27 Franklin Place.
In 1856 they moved to 3 Franklin Place, and finally in 1859 they moved to 7 Hudson Street
where the business remained until at least 1881.

Also in 1859 the Witham family was residing at 441 Green Street in Philadelphia
where they would continue to reside until 1890.

In 1860 Ebenezer Witham was 37, his wife Ann, who also was from England, was 41
and residing with them were their two daughters, who were both born in Pennsylvania,
Mary A. (Ann) 19 and Sally E. 17 and the families Domestic, Rosa Mensa 23 who was from Ireland.

In 1870 Ebenezer Witham was 62, his wife Ann was 59
and residing with them still were their two daughters, Mary A. (Ann) 29 and Sally E. 27.
Another individual also residing there, relationship unknown,
but probably the families Domestic, was Ellen Cunningham 40.

In 1878 Ebenezer's partner John Newman died.

In 1880 Ebenezer Witham was 72, his wife Ann was 68
and residing with them still were their two daughters, Mary A. (Ann) 40 and Sally E. 38.
Sally was now Sarah E. Stuckert married, but also widowed, to John G. Stuckert.
living with her daughter Annie Stuckert age 9 who was attending school.
Another individual also residing there was Emma Fetters age 38, their Servant.

In 1882 Ebenezer had been ill for about 2 months
when on June 21, 1882 Ebenezer died at age 72 at his residence at 411 Green Street,
as a result of debility induced by his advanced age.

In October 21, 1890 Widow Ann Witham left the family residence at 441 Green Street
and purchased a new home on the NE Corner of Diamond and 19th Streets,
for $22,000 with a lot size of 18.4 x 110 feet.

In April 18, 1893 Ann Witham at age 81 died.
She was still residing at the NE Corner of Diamond and 19th Streets.

In August 21, 1897 the 441 Green Street property still owned by the Witham Estate
was almost totally destroyed by fire.

Although Ebenezer died with a huge estate worth over $ 700,000.00
(Over 15 Million in today's money)
It goes to show that even those with vast resources
still could not prevent their tombstone
from their "Final Resting Place" at the Monument Cemetery
from being violated.

Tombstones along the Delaware River shoreline
- photo courtesy Ed Snyder -

[First Name Unknown] A. Witham
June 26th 1840
May 23rd 1909

Further research reveals...

Although the first name is submerged and not visible on this tombstone
the dates match those of Ebenezer Witham's daughter Mary Ann Withham
who died a still single woman at age 69.

Other Tombstones that have been found along these shores...
(No photographs of the tombstones taken)

Fannie Mary Magee
Died April 4, 1892
Aged 18 Years

Further research reveals...

Fannie was born about 1874 and was in Oil City, Pennsylvania when she died.
She lived at 2653 N. 8th Street
with her father John H. Magee and her mother Rebecca Alexander.

Amanda Eppelsheimer
1855 - 1918

[First Name Missing] Eppelsheimer
1845 - 1924

Further research reveals...

Amanda died in July 9, 1918 and was living at 5033 Green Street in Germantown.

Elizabeth, wife of Edward Cowdrick
Died Dec. 3, 1886
Aged 70 years

Edward Cowdrick
Died March 3, 1896
Age 85 Years

Further research reveals...

In about 1811 Edward Cowdrick was born in Pennsylvania.

In about 1816 Elizabeth Cowdrick was born in Pennsylvania.

Edward and Elizabeth Cowdrick had the following children all born in Pennsylvania...

Charles W. Cowdrick born about 1836, occupation Bricklayer
Elizabeth Cowdrick (Jr.) born about 1838
Catheran Cowdrick born about 1840
Edward Cowdrick (Jr.) born about 1842, occupation Bricklayer apprentice
Edward D. Cowdrick (III) born about 1857, occupation Fireman
Samuel Cowdrick born about 1859
Benjamin D. Cowdrick born about 1847 to 1860, occupation Bricklayer
George Cowdrick born about 1858-1859, occupation Banker
William W. (Watson) Cowdrick born about 1862, occupation Bricklayer and later a Hatter
Ida Cowdrick born about 1864

In 1844 Edward Cowdrick and family were living at Elizabeth and Parrish Streets in Philadelphia
and his occupation was that of a Bricklayer.

Later in 1844 and up until 1856 Edward and family were living at 52 Lewis Street
in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia.

In 1856 Edward and family were living at 956 Warnock Street in Philadelphia
and his family would continue to live here until 1896.

In the Census of 1860 Elizabeth Cowdrick is reported as being blind.

In 1870 Fanny Abrahms, relationship unknown, born about 1847, was living with the family.

In 1880 Sallie Cowdrick, their niece, born about 1852, was living with the family.

On December 3, 1886 Elizbeth Cowdrick died
and was buried on December 9, 1886 at Monument Cemetery.
She died at age 70 and was still living at 956 Warnock Street in Philadelphia.

On March 3, 1896 Edward Cowdrick died
and was buried at Monument Cemetery.
He died at age 85 and was still living at 956 Warnock Street in Philadelphia.

Mary F. Sagee
Daughter of
Francis and Anne J.
1853 - 1931

Further research reveals...

Mary F. (Frank) Sagee was a School Teacher.

Her father Francis Sagee was born about 1805
and was a carpenter in the US Navy on board the ship "John Adams".
Her mother Anne J. Sagee was born about 1824.

The USS John Adams

The USS John Adams
(The same ship that Charles C. Platt, previously researched, taught navigation on)

On February 20, 1849 Francis and Anne's first child Helen Sagee age 11 months died.
and was buried at Monument Cemetery.

Helen Sagee age 11 months

On May 23, 1853 Mary's Father Francis, suddenly at age 48 years, died.

In 1870 Mary and her family were living at 1017 Morgan Street
and on July 16, 1870 Mary was admitted to the "Girls Normal School"
where she was learning to become a teacher.

The Girls Normal School

The "Girls Normal School"
In 1848 the City of Philadelphia built the "Girls Normal School"
at the intersection of Chester and Maple Streets.
"Normal" Schools were schools that educated future teachers to work in our public school system.
This school eventually came to be known as the "Philadelphia High School for Girls",
or by most Philadelphians simply as "Girls High".

1880 Mary's Mother Anna J. Sagee was 50
and operated a boardinghouse at 813 N. 10th Street.

Living at this address were her daughters
Anna J. Sagee (Jr.) age 29 a School Teacher
and Mary Frank Sagee age 25 also a School Teacher.

Also residing there were her Mother's Nephew Orestes A. Divers age 29 a clerk in a store,
5 boarders: Chas H. Wenhold age 29 a watchmaker, Isabella R. Wenhold age 22,
Lila B. Wenhold age 1, James G. Sample age 35 a clerk in the post office
and Daniel E. Hughes age 28 a physician.
Missouri Garrison age 22, a black domestic servant who was born in Virginia,
is also residing there as well.

On December 3 1906 Mary's mother Annie Sagee at age 82 years died.

In 1905 to 1907 Mary was teaching at the James L. Claghorn School
located at 17th and Susquehanna Avenue.

The James L. Claghorn School

The "James L. Claghorn School"

In 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911 Mary F Sagee is living at 1830 Montgomery Avenue.

On July 20, 1931 Mary F. Sagee died and was living at 202 E. Tabor Road.

James Lunney
Died May 24, 1883
Aged 67 Years
Mary, Wife of
James Lunney
Died Aug 28, 1892

Further research reveals...

James Lunney was born about 1816 and his wife Mary about 1813
and they both were born in Ireland.

From 1861 to 1881 they were living at 1136 Lombard Street.

When James died in 1883 his occupation was that of a Tailor
and was living at 1419 Ellsworth, W. 26th Street in Philadelphia.

Now to put faces to some of the dead who were buried in Monument Cemetery
This Soul has been verified to have been moved and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery

William Henry Heilman

The picture below is of the picture above, flipped to read

William Heilman
- photo courtesy pwbaker -

William Henry Heilman
"Consider this as you pass me by... As you are now, so once was I".

William Henry Heilman
Late Captain
15th U.S. Infantry
Born Philadelphia
April 16, 1843
Died January 5, 1909

William Heilman at the time of his enlistment
Photograph of William Henry Heilman at the time of his enlistment in 1861 at age 18
He had gray eyes, brown hair, a light complexion and was 5 ft 8-1/2 inches tall

Further research reveals...

In 1844 William Henry Heilman age 1 and born in Pennsylvania,
was living with his parents William and Rebecca Heilman,
also born in Pennsylvania,
at 1135 Girard Street in Philadelphia.

In 1850 William was now 7 and living with his parents
(his Father's occupation is listed as an inspector)
in the Northern Liberties Ward 4 section of Philadelphia.

Living with the family also were presumably his brother Horris age 15 (born about 1835)
and two sisters, Clara age 13 (born about 1837) and Emma age 10 (born about 1840)
who were all born in Pennsylvania.

Also living there, relationship unknown, were Anna Mc Man age 21 and born in Ireland
and Henry Mc Man age 19 born in Pennsylvania and a cabinet maker.

William Henry Heilman

On December 30, 1861 William Henry Heilman at age 18
enlisted as a private in the 15th U.S. Infantry
here in Philadelphia as this recruitment poster additionally substantiates
and he was stationed initially at Camp Wissahickon
and then later at the 15th Infantry's headquarters at Newport Barracks, Kentucky.
He was enlisted by recruitment officer Lt. Ytetson.

William Heilman enlisted in Philadelphia

William Henry Heilman

April 6, to April 7, 1862 BATTLE OF SHILOH at Shiloh, Tennessee
Forces Engaged: 111,511 Men
(66,812 Union against 44,699 Confederate Soldiers)

Outcome: Union Victory
Grant repulses Confederate's Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard

Casualties: 23,746 Men
(13,047 Union / 10,699 Confederate)
Killed: 3,482 Men (1,754 Union / 1,728 Confederate)
Wounded: 16,420 Men (8,408 Union / 8,012 Confederate)
Captured or Missing: 3,844 Men (2,885 Union / 959 Confederate)

15th United States Infantry

On August 13, 1862 William Heilman, now a Sergeant, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.

Captain Heilman

April 29, 1862 to May 30, 1862 SIEGE OF CORINTH* at Corinth, Mississippi
(* Also known as the First Battle of Corinth)
Forces Engaged: 185,000 Men
(120,000 Union against 65,000 Confederate Soldiers)

Outcome: Union Victory
Union forces capture town, Beauregard tricks Union in order to escape to Tupelo.

Casualties: 2,000 Men
(1,000 Union / 1,000 Confederate)

William Henry Heilman

On October 14, 1862 Heilman joined sick to Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island
and remained there until December 1862.

William Heilman

December 31, 1862 to January 2, 1863 BATTLE OF STONES RIVER* at Murfreesboro, Tennessee
(* Also known as Second Battle of Murfreesboro)
Forces Engaged: 76,400 Men
(41,400 Union against 35,000 Confederate Soldiers)

Outcome: Union Victory
Casualties: 24,645 Men
(12,906 Union / 11,739 Confederate)
Killed: 2,971 Men (1,677 Union / 1,294 Confederate)
Wounded: 15,488 Men (7,543 Union / 7,945 Confederate)
Captured or Missing: 6,186 Men (3,686 Union / 2,500 Confederate)

Capt. William Henry Heilman

On September 20, 1863, during the Battle of Chickamauga
Heilman was promoted to Brevet 1st Lieutenant.

On November 23, 1863, 2 months after the Battle of Chickamauga
President Lincoln promoted William, effective October 3, 1863,
to a Full 1st Lieutenant for his gallant and meritorious service during this battle...

The Civil War Battle at Chickamauga, Georgia
The 3rd most costly battle in terms of casualties (34,624) of the Civil War
with the Battle of Gettysburg being the 1st (46,286) and the Seven Days Battles Virginia (36,059) being the 2nd.

The Battle of Chickamauga

Duration of Battle: 2 days - September 19 and 20, 1863

Forces Engaged: 125,000 Men
(60,00 Union against 65,000 Confederate Soldiers)

Casualties: 34,624 Men
(3,969 Killed) (24,430 Wounded) (6,225 Captured or Missing)

William Henry Heilman

November 23, to 25, 1863 CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGN at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee
Outcome: Union Victory
Grant defeats Confederate's Braxton Bragg and relieves Union forces besieged in Chattanooga.

Capt. Heilman

On February 29, 1864 First Lieut. William H. Heilman, although of the 15th U.S. Infantry,
was commanding Battery H of the 4th U.S. Artillery.
In one report of a skirmish he had at Blue Springs, Tennessee
he managed to fire over 100 artillery rounds at the enemy
with his losses at: one soldier (Private Dempsey) seriously wounded,
3 horses killed and another 2 rendered useless.

15th U.S. Infantry

On May 4, 1864 Heilman joined, from a field command,
Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island

William Henry Heilman

May 28, to 30, 1864 BATTLE OF TOTOPOTOMOY CREEK at Hanover County, Virginia
Outcome: Inconclusive
Union forces pushed back.

Casualties: 1,890 Men
(731 Union / 1,059 Confederate)
Killed and Wounded: 1,490 Men (679 Union / 811 Confederate)
Captured: 400 Men (52 Union / 348 Confederate)

Captain Heilman

In June 1864 Heilman was commanding:
Company "D", 3rd Battalion, Detachment of Recruits
at Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island

On August 30, 1864 Heilman was transfered from Fort Adams
to the Recruiting Service in Philadelphia, PA.

In November and December of 1864 Heilman was at Fort Adams
in charge of the Commissary of Subsistence*.
*An officer who was in charge of providing food for troops and the military post

On January 30, 1865 William was transfered from Fort Adams
to the Field Army of the Cumberland (Formally the Army of the Ohio).

In 1865 William H. Heilman was stationed at Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island
where he was the Acting Regimental Adjutant.
March 4, 1865
A parade was held in Newport to celebrate recent Union victories.
Heilman's 15th Infantry band of 24 pieces provided the music for the occasion.
April 9, 1865
Lee surrendered and the Civil War ended.
April 15, 1865
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
April 19, 1865
A memorial service was held for President Lincoln at Fort Adams
as Lincoln's funeral was in progress in Washington.
Fort Adams fired a 21-gun salute in honor of the fallen president.

In 1866 Heilman was stationed at Huntsville, Alabama in the Regiment.

From August 4, 1866 to December of 1867
Heilman was stationed at Mobile Barracks in Mobile, Alabama for Recruiting Service.
During this time at Mobile Barracks...
In December 1866 he was commanding Company "A" of the 33rd Infantry.
On May 11, 1867 he was promoted again, this time to Captain of Company A, 15th Infantry.

On March 14, 1868 Heilman was in Atlanta, Georgia receiving his military commission.

On March 20, 1868 Heilman was in Montgomery, Alabama receiving his military commission.

On April 12, 1868 Heilman went on a leave of absence for 80 days in Atlanta, Georgia.

In May and early June of 1868 Heilman was stationed at Tuscumbia, Alabama.

On June 20, 1868 Heilman returned from absent with leave
and assumed command the same day at Montgomery, Alabama.

In late June, July and August of 1868 Heilman was stationed at Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

On January 22, 1868 Heilman was stationed at Montgomery, Alabama.

In February 1868 Heilman was stationed at Huntsville, Alabama.

On August 10, 1868 he was transfered to Mobile, Alabama from Tuscumbia, Alabama.

On August 25, 1868 a telegram from War Dept. Headquarters Alabama accepted Heilman's resignation.

By the end of the Civil War, Heilman's regiment had fought in 22 major battles.

15th Infantry

After the war he became an active member in
the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS),
the first post-Civil War veterans' organization.

The Crest of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
For further information about the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS)
and the wonderful work that they do regarding our Civil War veterans...
Please go here: MOLLUS

On April 28, 1868 Captain William Heilman now 25 years old
married Anna B.V. Dimock age 21 in Adams, Illinois.

In 1870 William H. Heilman was 25 and worked as clerk in a store.
He lived at his parents home at 918 Filbert St. in Philadelphia
with his father William Heilman age 58 a retired merchant,
his mother Rebecca Heilman (Kaiser) age 54,
his sisters Hannah Heilman age 20 and Bessie Heilman age 18.

Also living at his father's house, relationship unknown, were...
N E Janney (male) age 28 a conveyancer, Augustus Edler age 40 a manufacturer of china,
Maria Edler age 43, Abicon Edler (female) age 18,
and two black servants Hannah Jones age 28 and Sallie Marson age 20.

On December 24, 1871 William H. Heilman's father William Heilman died at age 61.
As he was rising from bed in the morning he felt dizzy and before a Doctor could be summoned
he died of "rupture of the heart" aka heart attack.
He was living at 1133 Girard Street and was buried at Monument Cemetery
in the family plot in grave 4 North.

In addition to being a well known merchant
William's father was also a officer of the United States Revenue Dept.
and he had successfully broken up illegal whisky businesses in the City of Philadelphia.

In 1877 William H. Heilman worked as clerk at 233 S. 4th Street
and lived at 2335 St. Albans Place.

In 1878 he lived at 2349 St. Albans Place.

In 1880 William H. Heilman was 38 and worked as a clerk at the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Living at home with him were his wife Anna B. Heilman age 33,
his 2 daughters Bessie W. Heilman age 11 and Ada P. Heilman age 10,
his mother Rebecca Heilman age 63 who was now widowed and suffering from consumption
and their black servant Bertha Williams age 18.

On October 26, 1880 William Henry Heilman's mother Rebecca died at age 64
and was buried at Monument Cemetery in the family plot in grave 3 North.

From 1886 to 1893 records show him living with his family at 2301 N. College Avenue
and working at 223 S 4th Street as a Chief Clerk.

In 1900 the Heilman family is shown living at a rented home at 323 West School Lane.
Living there are Anne Heilman now age 53 and her 2 daughters
Bessie Heilman now age 31, and now a school teacher
and Ada Heilman now age 30 and now an artist.
Both daughters are still single.
Sadly William H. Heilman is not listed living with them.

Further research reveals that...

In 1900 William H. Heilman is shown as being divorced,
no longer with his family, and living at another location that being 1108 Girard Street,
as a boarder along with 13 other people.

It would have been so easy for this writer to skip this derogatory detail,
but yet it represents, possibly in William's case,
what many of our soldiers coming home from war all share.

Did William turn to alcohol to hide from the horrors of his memories of the war
or did he have trouble adjusting from a superior soldier to a less accomplished civilian?

We may never know what caused his divorce, but what we do know is that this difficulty to adjust
will always remain to be one of the many hazards of war.

On Tuesday January 5, 1909 Captain William H. Heilman died at age 66.

The Undertaker
"The Parlors of Oliver H. Bair" 1820 Chestnut Street*
Viewing - Friday Evening Jan 8th from 7 to 9 PM / Funeral - Saturday Morning Jan 9th at 9 AM

* The Oliver H. Bair Funeral Home was built in 1907.
The Bair funeral home is still in existence and is now located in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.
Today Boyds Philadelphia Men & Women's Apparel now occupies this historic building.

The Church
"The Holy Trinity Episcopal Church" 19th and Walnut Streets
Services - Saturday Morning Jan 9th at 10 AM

Monument Cemetery Entrance

After the church services his undertaker's hearse brought his body through this gate

Monument Graveyard

It drove down this road* to his final resting place in amongst the graves to the right of this road
where he was buried on Saturday January 9, 1909 in his family's plot in grave 2 North.
* Berks Street which is no longer there

In addition to family and friends, it is presumed in attendance were also...
Members of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
as they were invited to attend his funeral
as were employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad where he worked.

On January 29, 1909 Anna B.V. Heilman with her attorney A.B. Wells filed for a widow's military pension
and in 1910 were awarded a pension of $20.00 per month

Monument Cemetery

And as his now empty hearse leaves the cemetery through this gate,
who would have known that 47 years later his body and now his tombstone
would take this path once again.

On the shore of the Delaware
- photo courtesy pwbaker -

His tombstone was put here...

Lawnview Cemetery

...While his body was reburied here

On August 20, 1956 William H. Heilman and his family plot at Monument Cemetery
were moved to the Lawnview Cemetery in Rockledge, PA and reburied at...
[Lawn: Susquehanna] [Sec: 23] [Graves: 56]

Included in the family plot were his Father William, Mother Rebecca, and
George K. Heilman (probably William's brother) who died September 12, 1844 at age 5 months
and Horace Thatcher (relationship unknown) who died August 15, 1866 at age 6 months.
- His wife Anna B.V. Heilman's grave is not with him -

This plaque now marks the location of his and his family's graves today at Lawnview Cemetery.
We understand that by original bidded agreement,
there were no individual plaques to be provided for each family member.
Also contrary to popular belief, the bodies were not buried in mass graves.

Heilman's grave
- photo courtesy Jim Loudon, Pennsylvania Commandery, MOLLUS -

Captain William Henry Heilman

To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...

During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Now it is our time to rescue you.

Soon you will rest in peace once again.
To this I promise you.

These Souls have been verified to have been moved and reburied at Lawnview Cemetery
The location of their original grave Tombstones however has not yet been determined

Captain Henry C. Coates
1830 - 1909

Capt Henry C. Coates during the Civil War circa 1860 to 1865

Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined

Henry C. Coates was living in Minnesota and was working as a printer when the Civil War broke out.

He was 30 years old when he enlisted in 1861 with the 1st Minnesota militia.
His enlistment papers describe him as having light brown hair and a fair complexion.

Henry was promoted to Captain of the 1st Minnesota Infantry regiment and fought at Gettysburg.
He was not injured during the battle but over 2/3's of his company were killed or wounded in 2 days.

Since all his senior officers had been killed or were wounded and were unfit for duty
Captain Coates commanded the entire regiment for three months after the Battle at Gettysburg.

After the war, Henry returned to his birthplace of Philadelphia.
There he married Georgiana S. Lloyd in August 1869
and worked as a printer taking over his father's business at 12th and Market Streets.

Henry attended the dedication of the 1st Minnesota monument at Gettysburg in 1897,
where he was able to see some of his comrades once again.

Henry died at age 79 on September 18, 1909 while at Wildwood New Jersey
with his wife Georgiana dying 8 years later in December 1917.

1897 Gettysburg Reunion

Captain Henry C. (Clay) Coates (second from left) at his Gettysburg Reunion in 1897
standing on the very spot where they fought

- A Side Note -
The Civil War Battle at Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg

Duration of Battle: 3 days - July 1, 2, and 3, 1863

Forces Engaged: 172,000 Men
(97,00 Union against 75,000 Confederate Soldiers)

Casualties: 46,286 Men
(7,863 Killed) (27,224 Wounded) (11,199 Captured or Missing)

Horses Killed: 1,500 (Some reports say 3,000)
(Horses were often fired upon to stop Calvery charges
and Draft Horses pulling Cannons were also targets)
(The horses were all found to average 5 bullet wounds before going down)

- A Side Note -
The Entire Civil War Conflict 1860 to 1865

The Entire Civil War Conflict 1860 to 1865

Total Dead: 562,130* Men
*Almost equaling the 579,260 American soldiers that were killed in the next 3 wars combined
(World War I: 116,708) + (World War II: 408,306) + (Korean War: 54,246)

Total Wounded: 469,201** Men
**With 50,000 requiring amputations of arms or legs

Horses Killed: Over 1.5 million (1,500,000)

Major Hampton Sidney Thomas
1837 - 1899

Hampton Sidney Thomas during the Civil War circa 1860 to 1865

Photograph of Major Hampton S. Thomas during the Civil War

Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined

Hampton Sidney Thomas when he entered the service

Photograph of Hampton S. Thomas when he enlisted in the Union Army

Hampton was born on November 03, 1837 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

He entered the service from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on April 22, 1861
and served as Major of the 1st Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry until the end of the war in 1865.

At the April 05, 1865 Civil War skirmish at Amelia Springs, Virginia
Major Thomas charged the enemy six times
and in each charge he had the horse he was riding killed.

On his last charge his right leg was shattered from a bullet
and while lying trapped under his sixth dead horse,
Colonel Janeway a Cavalier at the head of the First New Jersey, as he continued the pursuit,
rode by him at a full charge saying "Cheer up, Tommy, we are here with you"
then instantly exclaimed "My God!" as he was shot through the head
and fell dead from his saddle but twenty feet from Major Thomas.

Colonel H. Jameway
Colonel Hugh H. Jameway
Previously wounded 3 times during other battles / Killed at age 23 as he gave comfort to Major Thomas
Sadly he was the last New Jersey officer to die in combat as just 4 days later
the Confederates Surrendered the Civil War
- Buried at Elmwood Cemetery in New Brunswick, New Jersey -

At Amelia Springs, Major Thomas was awarded the Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor
for his gallant charge through the enemy's lines
that lead to the capture of the enemy's field battery
and six Confederate battle flags.

Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor

Though wounded severely to the extent that his leg was amputated,
Major Thomas' action also resulted in the destruction of the enemy's wagon train.

Hampton was married September 27, 1864 in Philadelphia.

In 1889 Hampton published his book:
"Some Personal Reminiscences of Service in the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac"
in an effort to explain to others what it was like in battle.

His Medal was awarded to him 29 years after the Civil War ended on January 15, 1894.

In 1898 Hampton was the Court Number 28 Police Magistrate at 4438 Main Street in Manayunk.

In November 1898 he was stricken with paralysis.
Hampton died on May 21, 1899 at the age of 61
and was living at 2532 Aspen Street in Philadelphia.

Photograph of Hampton Sidney Thomas circa 1890's

Sarah Gray Tomlin
1799 - 1869

Sarah Gray Tomlin

Location of Tombstone - Not yet determined

Sarah Gray Tomlin was born in New Jersey.
She married Enoch Tomlin at Port Republic (near Brigantine), New Jersey
and later moved to Philadelphia.
Enoch Tomlin was a carpenter, cabinet and chairmaker
and Sarah bore him 9 children:
Ann E (Born 1827), Sarah (Born 1828), Rebecca (Born 1832), Anna (Born 1835),
Charles (Born 1837), Isabella (Born 1839 - Died 1907), Joseph (Born 1841),
Richard (Born 1845) and Jno (John) (Born 1850)

In September 1832 Enoch's Furniture Warehouse was located at 63 N. Front Street in Philadelphia
as indicated by this September 22, 1832 Philadelphia Inquirer announcement
of an apprentice of his who left his workplace unlawfully:

"Absconded, September 17th, 1832, an apprentice to the chair making (trade),
named Jacob Eckley, aged 17 next January, 4 feet 7 inches high,
very much pockmarked in the face, has a downcast look when spoken to,
had on when he went away, blue gray cassinet round-about and pantaloons,
but he obtained some money and has got other cloths, colour not known.
All persons are forbid harbouring said boy as they will be dealt with according to law."

Enoch Tomlen
63 North Front Street

Between 1839 and 1843 records show that
Enoch's Furnature Warehouse was now at 83 and 85 N. Front Street
with Enoch and Sarah living right around the corner at 8 Elfreth's Alley*
(*The oldest continuously inhabited street in America)

Enoch died on February 1, 1848.

On November 26, 1869 at age 70
Sarah was tragically killed from injuries received in a Railroad accident.
She was living with her son-in-law Francis W. Adams at 1345 Coates Street at the time.

John Sartain's Memorial

John Sartain Portrait

A monument designed by the famous sculptor John Sartain
was dedicated to George Washington and General Lafayette.
It was erected May 29, 1869 in the Monument Cemetery grounds
and was the cemetery's center of attraction and gave name to the cemetery.

It was 70 foot tall and made of granite with bronze ornamentation.
Two 9 foot long bronze plates, with inscriptions of the profiles of Washington and Lafayette
along with bronze medallions, also adorned this monument.

John Sartain Memorial

The photograph above shows the June 6, 1956 removal of the memorial
when the 28,000 graves and their accompanying tombstones were removed.

[Note the scale of this monument by the height of the man standing by the crane]

The whereabouts of this huge memorial and John Sartain's own tombstone
(Yes he was also buried in Monument Cemetery in 1897)
has never been discovered but now that it is learned that the shoreline was extended,
this monument may be buried here as well
in whole or broken into pieces (aka Rip/Rap) like the other tombstones.

- A Side Note -

The Monument Cemetery Gatehouse and Chaple

John Sartain also designed and built the Monument Cemetery Gatehouse and Chaple
which was also torn down

Edgar Allan Poe Photograph

John Sartain and Edgar Allan Poe (above) were very close friends when Poe lived in Philadelphia.
Sartain was his publisher and often took him in to feed, lodge and protect him from himself and others.

And this final thought from our own Philadelphia resident...

"Show me your cemeteries
and I will tell you what kind of people you have."

Benjamin Franklin

May 27, 2012

On Sunday, the day before Memorial Day, we paid our respects at Lawnview Cemetery
to Anna M. Ross whose Marker is a few yards away from our Captain William Henry Heilman's Marker.

Anna also was originally buried at Monument Cemetery
during the time of the abandonment of Monument's unclaimed tombstones
that were lost or unceremoniously dumped into the Delaware River and Frankford Canal
when Temple University acquired their parking lot back in 1956.

Before we report this days Memorial day proceedings,
we feel that a report of Anna M. Ross's past is very much in order.

Anna M. Ross
1813 - 1863
Civil War Soldier's Friend

During the Civil War from 1861 to 1865 thousands of Union soldiers traveled to and from
the Northern States to the battlefields in the South through Philadelphia
and the patriotic citizens of Philadelphia, especially the ladies,
would offer refreshment to these tired and hungry soldiers.

As the numbers of these poor, suffering soldiers grew, several responsible citizens
created two large establishments called "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons"
that were entirely funded by donations of the citizens of Philadelphia
to feed and minister to these troops.

At the corner of Washington and Delaware Avenue across from the Old Swedes Church
were located both of these "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons",
the "Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon" and the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon".

At the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon" named after the owner of the shop, William Cooper,
who also helped organize the facility, were many lady managers, one of which was Anna M. Ross,
a single woman, renowned for her unselfish and untiring work helping the soldiers.

Anna M. Ross was recognized above the other lady managers
and was appointed Lady Principal of the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon Hospital" as the "Saloon"
was founded mainly through her tireless and exceptional efforts on behalf of her "Boys".

Telegrams would be sent to the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons" from the Union Headquarters
informing when troops would be arriving and a cannon would be fired to alert the women
in the neighborhood who would assemble at the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons"
to begin food preparation and care.

In addition to serving wholesome food, coffee was dispensed,
medical care for the sick and injured was given at their hospitals on the premises,
stationery was provided and mailed for letters to their loved ones,
washing facilities were provided, and gifts dispensed.

To the young homesick boys leaving for war, the citizens of Philadelphia gave encouragement
as they cheered them on their way to the battlefield, often accompanied by military bands.

And sadly later, to the soldiers returning from war with injuries and sickness
free burial plots were provided for those soldiers who would die
in the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons" hospitals.

From the day of the opening of the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon" Anna Ross toiled unceasingly,
watched patients while other workers slept, dressed the most loathsome wounds,
nursed patients deserted by others for fear of acquiring contagious disease
and withheld no time or expense from those committed to her charge.

For those soldiers traveling through Philadelphia on their way home from the battlefields,
she gave them nourishing food, a bed for the night, cleaned their clothing and established a fund
to give them traveling money, many times replenishing this fund from her own pocket.

For those soldiers that died in her hospital she arranged transportation for the families
to come to their deceased soldiers.

During the course of the War, over 400,000 troops were served by these Saloons
and as they expanded their facilities, entire regiments could be fed and cared for simultaneously.

So famous and prized was the work of the "Philadelphia Refreshment Saloons"
that president Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln,
specifically asked to visit the sites in June of 1864, when she came to Philadelphia.

As the Civil War progressed it became evident with the increasing overwhelming demands
on the hospital at the "Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon" with many of the soldiers needing
nursing care for wounds or diseases, Anna Ross decided to open a larger, more appropriate hospital,
where the weak and sick could remain to gather their strength
until able to rejoin their units or continue their journey.

She took it upon herself to raise the needed funds, while still ministering to those in need.

She traveled throughout the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
pleading for donations and goods on her errand of mercy,
going door to door on behalf of her beloved soldiers.

Due to her untiring efforts of toil and care for the less fortunate, Anna's health broke down,
and despite valiant efforts of her personal physician, the medical director of the Hospital
and a dear friend, Anna's health continued to deteriorate, and at age 50 on December 22, 1863,
the very same day that her efforts were to be crowned with success
of the dedication of her new "Cooper Shop Soldiers' Home and Hospital"
on Race and Crown Streets in Philadelphia, she died.

The love that people had for Anna was felt far and wide from her hospital in Philadelphia
as her obituary appeared in newspapers as far away as
Boston, New York, Baltimore and Washington D.C.

Her funeral was attended by a immense multitude of people in keeping with
the love and esteem her life's work had earned her and whose sorrow was deepened by the knowledge
she could not be present at the dedication of her new "Cooper Shop Soldiers' Home and Hospital".

Thousands of people followed her casket to Monument Cemetery (now the Temple University Campus)
where a tombstone of white marble was erected depicting a female figure ministering to a soldier
and where military units honored her memory and many eulogies attempted to do her the honor
as one who devoted her life to works of charity.

GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) founded 1866
- Grave Marker -

After the Civil War the soldiers of the rebellion never forgot her.
In a rare act, one of the earliest veterans' posts,
The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Post 94 in Philadelphia,
chose to name itself after her, an honor normally reserved
for male Union Generals and soldier heroes of battle,
and also conducted a Memorial Day service for Anna every year.

As noted before in this Newsletter, Monument Cemetery was removed in 1956
to make room for the Temple University parking lot and most of the stones and memorials
were lost or unceremoniously dumped into the Delaware River and Frankford Creek
to use as a footer for the Betsy Ross Bridge.

Anna's grave was reburied at Lawnview Cemetery in 1956
and was recently rediscovered there and adopted by the...

"Anna M. Ross Camp #1" of the Dept of Pennsylvania's
"Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War",
(The successors to the old GAR Post 94)

and their Auxiliary, the...

"Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War",
under whose leadership, Margaret Atkinson,
past National President of the Auxiliary, continues this legacy to the present day
to honor Anna M. Ross at her grave on Memorial Sunday each year.

The Auxiliary recently obtained a more fitting and pleasing* "headstone",
(* Than the flat metal plate Marker issued by Lawnview Cemetery)

noting Anne's friendly service to soldiers during the Civil War,
and placed it on her final resting place where her memory is still alive today.

- Today's Proceedings -

Going only as an observer to Anna's ceremony
by way of a cordial invitation from their Camp Commander Russell J. Manning,
Valerie Morrison was indeed very honored when asked to also speak at her ceremony.

And the heartfelt sadness, tears and trembling lips of the occasion were felt by all

A prayer for Anna...

...and after 149 years since Anna's death, "her boys*" still pay her tribute
* The 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

As do John M. McNulty and his father John T.
of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War - Pennsylvania Department

And the bugler
A member of the 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Band

The Pledge of Allegiance...

...still so dearly cherished in this land

Old Glory forever...

Then the Rose petals for Anna... "her boys" gently rain them down upon her grave

And the 3-Volley Gun Salute




And when the gun smoke clears...

...we must rejoice in who we are and what we still hold dear today

...while always being "at the ready"

I wish to thank all those that attended and made me feel a part of Anna's Legacy...

Including Margaret Atkinson, past National President of the Auxiliary,
whose past endearing work ensuring Anna's legacy,
was no doubt here with us in sprit,

John M. McNulty and his father John T.
of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Pennsylvania Department,

Anna's "boys" who shared with me their comradery (and their refreshments),
and the precious little boy who ran to me for a hug.

God Bless you all

I would also like to convey a very special thanks to...

Jim Loudon - Recorder
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania

...whose Commandery is actively engaged in an effort to move
Captain Heilman's Monument Cemetery tombstone to a more appropriate location,
and are interested in exploring ways we can work together to facilitate our mutual goals.

And as we leave you dear Anna...

We promise not to think of you just once every year,
but every day, just as you thought of our soldiers every day.

And as we leave this sacred place...

Let us not leave unnoticed or unspoken for,
dear little Hattie May Wiatt buried somewhere beneath her grandmother's "Ball" family Marker,
in the foreground of this picture, just but a few steps away from Anna's grave.

Yes, here lies the long forgotten and believed by many to be
The Co-Founder of Temple University...

Hattie Mae Wiatt
Died 1886 at age 9

Her .57 cents made a difference

In the beginning, Russell Conwell, the founder of Temple University,
started the university with a small church.

Hattie, who lived nearby and loved going to his Sunday School,
often found the church filled to it's capacity and unable to go inside.

Russell seeing Hattie crying on the steps one Sunday,
promised her that one day he would have enough money to expand the church.

Not much later Hattie, at age 5, died of Diphtheria and at her funeral at Russell Conwell's church,
Hattie's mother handed Russell Hattie's purse that she keep under her pillow,
containing her savings of 57 cents towards Russell's expansion of his church.

So moved by Hattie's intensions, Russell started the "Wiatt Mite Society" fund.
He changed Hattie's 57 cents into 57 pennies and sold each penny to the highest bidder.
Of the 57 pennies sold, 54 were given back and the bidding was repeated and repeated
until one day he had enough to expand the church
and thoughtfully he put Hattie's original 57 cents into a permanent display.

So successful was the new church with attendance that Russell decided to buy a larger church.

Now with the money now gone for the previous expansion, he needed terms to buy the larger church.

Fearing that he would never be able to come up with the large down payment for the $25,000 church,
Russell was gratefully surprised when the owner of the property, after learning about Hattie,
asked for 5% per year payment terms and a down payment of just 57 cents.

It should be noted that both Hattie and later Russell Conwell were buried at Monument Cemetery
and when the cemetery graves were removed in 1956,
Temple University returned Conwell's grave to the campus but never brought back Hattie.

Stay tuned for further developments...

June 1, 2012

The "Calvary" to the rescue...

One of the 22 or so tombstones that appears at low tide is that of...

Photograph of William Henry Heilman at the time of his enlistment in 1861 at age 18

William Henry Heilman
Captain - Civil War 15th U.S. Infantry
Born 1843 - Died 1909

Captain William Heilman's Tombstone on the Delaware River

During our research of William we found that after the war in 1865 he became an active member in
the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS),
the first post-Civil War veterans' organization.

Finding that the MOLLUS organization was still in existence today
and assuming, like all our military, that they would never leave their dead behind on a battlefield
much less dumped whole on the Delaware River, on May 8, 2012 we contacted them.

We found at this time, in speaking with their Jim Loudon, their designated contact person for this matter,
that they were aware of Heilman's tombstone abandoned on the Delaware,
and that they had intensions of rescuing him when the opportunity and funds become available.

Ever since the discovery of the tombstones, Valerie has vowed to William Heilman this prayer...

To my Dear Captain William Henry Heilman...

During the Civil War you came to the rescue of our Nation...
Now it is our time to rescue you.

Soon you will rest in peace once again.
To this I promise you.

...The MOLLUS Commandery may now make her prayer at last, come true.

Somewhere below lies this man waiting for his tombstone

Valerie at William's family grave at Lawnview Cemetery

Join Valerie Morrison on this special broadcast
from 11 AM to 1 PM on the...
Vincent Borrelli Talk Radio Show
"The Chief's Corner"
Valerie is Vincent's guest and will be taking your calls

Vincent Borrelli

This show will be aired on...

Sunday Late Morning August 5, 2012
11 AM to 1 PM
Radio Station 92.1 FM

Broadcasting remotely from the...
Rocking Stone Pub & Grill Restaurant

Rocking Stone Pub and Grill

2001 S. Delaware Ave.
Paulsboro, New Jersey 08066
Located at Exit 18 off I-295 across from McDonald's

Rocking Stone Pub and Grill

Brought to you by...

Radio Station WVLT 92.1 FM

Call with your question to Psychic Valerie Morrison
Studio Call-In Line: 856-696-0092

2 Ways to listen to my Radio Show

From your Radio...
Tune to Radio Station 92.1 FM
From your Computer...
Click-On "Listen Live" at:
The WVLT 92.1 FM Web Site

Saturday June 9, 2012
Vineland New Jersey City's 21st Car Cruise

Danny & The Juniors

The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...

Danny & The Juniors
"At the Hop", "Rock and Roll is here to Stay" and more...
Watch Danny & The Juniors back then by clicking here

I love watching Frank Maffei's* energy and love of what he does in this next video
* Left in the picture above / Right in the next video
Watch Danny & The Juniors recently by clicking here

Valerie Morrison

The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...

Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium

Johnny Lerro

The following WVLT 92.1 FM Radio Personalities were featured...

Johnny Lerro
(aka The Green Grocer)
Watch The Green Grocer back then by clicking here

Car Cruise

Watch The Car Cruise 1/5 by clicking here
Watch The Car Cruise 2/5 by clicking here
Watch The Car Cruise 3/5 by clicking here
Watch The Car Cruise 4/5 by clicking here
Watch The Car Cruise 5/5 by clicking here

How can people be so Heartless?

Yes its Valerie Morrison's "Manager" Frank DeAngelo again writing to you this week
as Valerie recovers from foot surgery.

This next story has been nagging at Valerie and I for some years now.
I am not quite sure if it has been revealed to and known by many people, for if it were
there would be many more people just as mad and sad about it as Valerie and I.


As a young boy my parents would often take me and my brothers
to my Grandfather and Grandmother's house
(Anthony and Splendora* DeAngelo)
where they lived on Warnock Street, a dead-end street in South Philadelphia.

* My Uncle Lou along with Ed McMahon of "The Tonight Show" fame
joined WCAU TV Channel 10 together way back then and my Uncle Lou worked on the Willie the Worm set.
John Facenda would often come by to see my Uncle Lou as an excuse to have a meal
made by my Italian grandmother Splendora both of whom he loved.
But that's another story...

One day, when I was about seven years old (Circa 1954) and we were visiting there,
my Dad had mentioned to me once about how
my Grandfather and many other local men from the neighborhood
were hired to exhume graves at the Lafayette Cemetery a half a block away from his house.

They toiled for months uncovering the graves
that they loaded daily onto trucks driven by out-of-town truck drivers, who,
they were told, drove them to be relocated in another Cemetery somewhere in Bucks County.

Dad told me how the Lafayette Cemetery was condemned because of health issues.
Apparently every time it rained heavily it sent torrents of water
contaminated with human tissue and bone fragment remains
flowing through the streets of Philadelphia.

He also told me of how my Grandfather often told him tales of seeing jewelry,
that was buried with the dead, littered about the grounds from the disintegrated coffins
and how the officials in charge promptly collected them for "safe keeping".

1862 Map of Lafayette Cemetery

A 1862 Map of the Lafayette Cemetery near my Grandfathers house in South Philly
Bounded on the North by Federal Street, the South by Wharton Street,
on the East by 9th Street and on the West by 10th Street

When the Lafayette Cemetery was officially founded in 1839,
as well as the Moyamensing Prison that was built a few years earlier,
Moyamensing was sparsely inhabited and it was then looked upon as being far out of town.

The Lafayette Cemetery's first interment was on December 20, 1838
and was that of the body of Robert F. Hill, a four year old boy.

Lafayette Cemetery

This is a 1946 photograph of the Lafayette Cemetery
which had grown by then to contain 47,000 graves.

After my Grandfather's participation in the 1946 exhumation of the Cemetery...

Lafayette Cemetery

The old cemetery grounds were turned into a Park and Ball Field
and renamed Capitolo Park.

Capitolo Park on the old site of the Lafayette Cemetery

In 1930 Pat's and later in 1966 Geno's cheese steak restaurants adjoin the area
along with several other eating establishments
and it is now a most enjoyable place to be on summer nights in Philadelphia.


Fast forward 42 years to October 9, 1988 and I am now living in Bristol
and I discover that my Grandfathers tale has traveled with me
as many of the newspaper headlines announce...

While a strip mall was being built near the Neshaminy Mall,
wooden boxes containing dead bodies of unknown origin
were discovered during the excavation of foundations.

Work was immediately suspended and officials,
after spending a week and a half digging test shafts at the site,
uncovered 32 trenches, each 300 feet long
containing stacks of these wooden boxes
containing the remains of countless dead people.

In a scene, to many peoples minds, reminiscent of Auschwitz...
Where hoards of bodies were found in trenches at German Concentration Camps in World War II

Auschwitz Concentration Camp Bodies in Trenches

and the 1982 film "Poltergeist"...
A movie about a New Housing Development that was built over a Cemetery

The Movie Poltergeist was about a Housing Developement built over a Cemetery
The Movie Poltergeist was about a Housing Developement built over a Cemetery

Further official research revealed that...

In 1946 Thomas A. Morris, President of the Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery in Bensalem,
was contracted by the City of Philadelphia
to dig up the 47,000 remains of the Lafayette Cemetery in South Philadelphia
and under the terms of his contract, the bodies were to be reburied
in his Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery in Bucks County,
complete with new caskets, new individual bronze markers, roadways
and perpetual care and maintenance of the grounds.

With no one now living to prosecute, there was only one thing left to do...

There at this field of grass "dumping ground",
just across the Neshaminy Boulevard from the Macy's side of the Neshaminy Mall
was located just one small marker monument...

The Memorial left there today

...that could never pay tribute enough to the 47,000 people that lie hidden there.

How the City of Philadelphia in 1946
could pay the equivalent of 1.2 million dollars in today's money
to have 47,000 bodies exhumed and reburied elsewhere
without checking to see that it was actually done according to agreement is appalling
and how this individual got away with it even more so.

What is even more intimidating is that there are some who speculate
that the area discovered with the wooden boxes of bodies
is not large enough to contain all 47,000 remains
and it is thought by some that many of the original graves
still remain buried under the Capitolo Playground.

So the next time you enjoy a lovely evening at Capitolo Park,
Think about and pay homage to what may lie sadly just a short distance under your feet.

What is beneath your feet at Capitolo Park?

What is beneath your feet at Capitolo Park?

And the next time you go shopping at the Neshaminy Mall,
take a monment from your busy life getting the best deal and what is on sale
and glance over to that "empty" field and think about
all those that were forgotten and discarded there.

Photo composite view of the "Empty" Field with a single monument upon it noting where
the 47,000 Lafayette Cemetery bodies were discovered

The Macy's side of the Neshaminy Mall The Neshaminy Blvd looking East towards Bristol Road The Empty Field where the 47,000 bodies lay buried

Left Photo: Macy's Neshaminy Mall / Middle Photo: Neshaminy Blvd looking East / Right Photo: The "Empty" Field

And the next time you hear the Lyrics of "Three Dog Night's" song "Easy To Be Hard"...

Think about this deployable disgrace to humanity

How can people be so Heartless?
How can people be so Cruel?
How can people have No Feelings?

Who care about Strangers?
Who care about Evil and Social Injustice?

Because it's so...
Easy to be Hard, Easy to be Cold

A visitor from the other side?

For all her life, Rayann was very close to my daughter Helen
and was very often her babysitter, her nanny, her playmate, her mentor.

Helen is gone but yet Rayann frequently thinks of her,
and at times, with head in hand, she sits, weeps and prays for Helen
while all during her sadness her pet dog lies solemnly and quietly,
somehow knowing the importance of her prayer.

Rayann praying for Helen

A recently taken picture of Rayann while praying for Helen


After this photo was taken and then viewed,
a female Apparition (to some) can be seen in the photo.

Touching the Apparition's cheek is Helen's favorite red and black striped blanket
that Rayann received after Helen's tragic and untimely death
that she always keeps draped on her couch for those times
when she needs some instant comfort from her mourning.

Rayann praying for Helen


Is the Apparition merely the play of shadows and reflected light or is it something more?

Is it my Helen

Is it my Daughter Helen thankful to know that she will never be forgotten?

Sure you did Valerie...

This is Valerie Morrison's Manager Frank DeAngelo speaking to you this week.

As Valerie Morrison's Manager I must say that I use the term "Manager" loosely.
You see although Valerie listens to my advice, she rarely goes with it.

This week I would like to go against her better judgment for once
and talk about her past relationships with people,
something that she does not like to boast about.

I have always been surprised by Valerie of those she has associated with in her past
and Valerie Morrison has never ceased to amaze me with these relationships.

I few examples of what I routinely experience working with her are...

David Janssen

As I was watching an old episode of "The Fugitive" on TV in Valerie's kitchen,
Valerie passed by with a load of clothes to wash, looked up at the TV and commented...
"Oh David, you were always so very nice to me" as she walked out of the kitchen.

The Fugitive TV Show       David janssen       The Fugitive TV Show

As an avid fan of David Janssen, rest his soul, in his highly successful TV Series "The Fugitive",
I ran after Valerie to hear the rest of this story...

Turns out that when Frank Sinatra brought Valerie to Las Vegas on a business trip one summer,
and rather than stay at a hotel, David Janssen, to whom Frank Sinatra introduced her to,
invited Valerie and her husband Charles to stay with him at his home for the 2 weeks.

Valerie continued over the years to keep in touch with David
until his untimely death at age 49 in 1980 at his home in Malibu, California from a heart attack.

Going through her old photographs that I regularly find never ceases to amaze me also...

This one in paticular sparked my interest as I asked Valerie, "Who was this man?"
"My chauffeur Austin" was her reply - "Oh sure Valerie", was mine.


Turns out that Frank Sinatra knew Valerie's Father and many many years ago whenever Frank was in town,
to avoid the rush of his fans and to gain back some of his much needed privacy at the hotels,
he would often stay, eat and sleep at her father and mother's house.
Valerie got to be with Mr. "S" many times, but being a child,
never fully understood "what all the fuss was about?"

Later in life Valerie became a part of Frank Sinatra's entourage
and traveled with him most times when he made his appearances in the Philadelphia and South Jersey area.
She was there for him as his personal psychic whenever he had questions about his career
and also helped do some of his local bookings and secretarial work for him as well.

Frank Sinatra

Valerie and Frank and his crew would usually dine at Palumbo's or at Bookbinders
and the seating area would always be "roped off" from all his fans.

Frank Sinatra

When Frank did Atlantic City he would rent an entire floor of the hotel for himself and his crew.
One night Valerie had won some money at the casino and when she went to "cash in"
the casino would not pay her because they heard that she was a Psychic.
She told them that she was with Mr. Sinatra who they called
and before she could argue with them any further they paid her (or did Frank pay her?).

Frank Sinatra

When traveling one night in New York, Frank Sinatra introduced Valerie to Liza Minnelli.
After finding out that Valerie was part Hungarian,
Liza surprised her by bringing Valerie to a Hungarian restaurant with her for dinner.
Valerie always said that Liza was a very wonderful lovely energetic gal.

Frank Sinatra

Another time during one of Frank Sinatra's local tours,
to return a favor to Radio Personality Sid Mark for getting Valerie Morrison started in radio,
Valerie formally introduced Frank Sinatra to Sid Mark on Sid's birthday
who was then playing Frank's songs exclusively on his radio show.

As the 1975 Philadelphia Inquirer News Article explains...

Back in 1975 Sid Mark did not believe in Psychics.
He had heard about Psychic Valerie Morrison and while on the air
he skeptically teased her to call in to his Radio Show on WWDB and tell him something about himself
which Valerie Morrison did, down to the blue shirt that he was wearing, while thousands of his fans listened in.

Impressed by Valerie, Sid invited Valerie to become a regular guest on his show thereafter
every second and last Thursday of every month for the next 1-1/2 years.

Philadelphia Inquirer article
Philadelphia Inquirer article
1975 News Article

Thus began Valerie Morrison's Radio Career on WWDB and she later, after this stint with Sid Mark,
was shifted to join other personalities on WWDB as well, beginning with...

Frank Ford (Husband to a very caring and special person: Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham),
then with Dominic Quinn (What a master of the English language),
and last, and for the longest duration totaling over 30 years, with Irv Homer.

WWDB Radio       WWDB Radio       WWDB Radio       WWDB Radio

But the story that created all the fuss on Sid Mark's radio show was when...

Mayor Frank Rizzo was a guest on Sid's show and Valerie happened to be listening.

Valerie called into Sid's show and warned the Mayor...
"to be careful, that he would be injured while going away from a blast"

Although Valerie received much doubt and even more criticism from some of the WWDB staff...
One week later an Oil Refinery caught on fire in Philadelphia.
Mayor Frank Rizzo was there at the scene of the inferno
when one of the tanks exploded and...

More than 500* Firefighters worked feverishly for over 2 days to subdue the inferno.
*350 Philadelphia firemen and 150 Atlantic Richfield Company employes

The Atlantic Richfield Refinery Inferno

Valerie visited Rizzo in the hospital during his recovery and needless to say,
Frank Rizzo and his wife Carmella befriended Valerie.

Mayor Frank Rizzo awarded Valerie Morrison
Philadelphia's most prestigious honor - The Liberty Bell Award.

Usually only presented to dignitaries and other "important" people
such as past recipients Bob Hope and Morgan Freeman to name a select few,
to say the least, Valerie was deeply honored.

The Liberty Bell Award

and in the years to follow Valerie was invited to many functions with Mayor Rizzo
while often sharing tea with Carmella at their home.

Later Sid Mark was interviewed and this article was published.
Philadelphia Inquirer article
Philadelphia Inquirer article

Years later on July 16, 1991 at age 70,
Frank Rizzo died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

True to her friendship, Valerie Morrison and her husband Charles were the first to arrive at their home
to offer any assistance and condolences that they could lend to Carmella...

And amid the confusion, the sadness, the disbelief
and the endless procession of people to his home offering their sympathy...

There in the background was Rizzo's pet parrot calling and calling and calling...
"Frank!"  "Frank!"  "Frank!"
further saddening all his loved ones.

Mayor Frank Rizzo

The funeral motorcade that accompanied Frank's body to the cemetery
was over 14 city blocks long and there seemed to be no end to the procession and likewise...
The number of people in Frank Rizzo's life that he had touched.

Rest in peace good friend
Where you are now there is no fire

Frank Sinatra

Getting back to the mysterious picture...

When Frank Sinatra's Limo Driver Austin retired, Frank got him to drive for Valerie.
He would drive Valerie to New York's Times Square where she was a regular guest on the "Joe Franklin Show"
and to Washington D.C. to do the "Panorama Show" hosted by Maury Povich.
Valerie had a Cadillac Corporate Limo then
and Austin would meticulously shine it while he waited for her.

Frank Sinatra's Limo driver Austin

Valerie always remembers Frank Sinatra now as...
She finally grew to know "what all the fuss was about!"

James Darren

OK Valerie, So how did you happen to be in this photo with James Darren?

Valerie morrison & James Darren

Well like I said, while traveling with Frank Sinatra
Valerie, Frank Sinatra and his crew often dined at Frank Palumbo's Cabaret/Restaurant.
In doing so, Valerie became very good friends with the Palumbo's.

"Kippee", Frank Palumbo's wife, made a dream come true
for Valerie's daughter Helen's 16th birthday which was celebrated at their Restaurant.

"Kippee" had heard that Helen adored James Darren
and surprised her with James "in person" the night of her birthday party!

James Darren & Helen Morrison

--- A SIDE NOTE ---


Frank and "Kippee" Palumbo were wonderful down-to-earth generous people
that were widely known for their philanthropy helping build youth programs
while giving much back to the Philadelphia poor.

A case in point - Every year they would stock their swimming pool with trout
and let the kids in the neighborhood of row houses have their very own fishing adventure.
Mario Lanza lauded Palumbo for taking thousands of orphans to the circus and buying animals for the zoo.

Frank Palumbo died in 1983
His restaurant was destroyed by fire in 1994 and Kippee Palumbo died at 83 on July 25, 2003.


James Darren was born in Philadelphia.
He is a Film Actor, TV Star, A Recording Star Artist, and a Director.

He appeared in many movies including "The Guns of Navarone" in 1961 and Gidget two years earlier
and my favorite in 1966, "The Time Tunnel" his first TV series.

In 1983, Darren played the role of Jim Corrigan on the TV series "T.J. Hooker"
and later made appearances in the seventh and final season of Star Trek: "Deep Space Nine".

T.J. Hooker with James Darren, William Shatner and Heather Locklear

He did multiple TV directing jobs including Hunter, Nowhere Man, The A-Team, Hardball, and Police Story.

In the early 60's his hit songs included "Goodbye Cruel World", which became number one in the US,
as well as "Angel Face", "Conscience", and "Her Royal Majesty" - every one of which made the Top Ten List.

He is currently touring the country, once-again singing to his adoring fans.

Visit James Darren's Web Site
Click Here

And the list goes on and on and on
but when Valerie introduced me to her old friend boxer Joe Frazier that fateful day,
as I waited for her in her car as illustrated in the tribute to Joe below,
my curiosity about her affiliation with people in the boxing industry
just got the better of me.

After pressing her for more details about this side of her life,
she revealed to me that she had no particular interest in boxing
but in the past she just happened to meet several people in the industry and in particular
how proud she was when boxer Larry Holmes and his wife Diane once gave her two front row seats
to Larry's World Heavyweight Championship fight against Mike Tyson.

The Program from the Fight

I was a bit skeptical as you see there were over 16,000 people
attending the Atlantic City Convention Center arena the night of January 22, 1988
to watch the Mike Tyson vs Larry Holmes World Heavyweight Championship fight
all clamoring for a good view...

...and for Valerie to have two front row seats,
that usually were reserved for celebrities and other "important" people,
seemed far-fetched to me.

She did acknowledge that there were some celebrities
that were sitting on the same front row as she,
but Valerie was never "star struck" nor could she remember who they were.

I did my research and after reviewing videos of the fight
found Valerie sitting in the front row and once again true to her word.

Mike Tyson vs Larry Holmes
Streisand & Don Johnson - Ivana & Donald Trump - Muhammad Ali - Kirk Douglas - Don King                           Valerie Morrison

On the front row where she sat from left to right were...

Barbara Streisand and her escort Don Johnson of Miami Vice fame that was all the rage
at the time, Ivana and Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali, Kirk Douglas, Don King,
[Tyson and Holmes fighting] and Valerie Morrison.
(Jack Nicholson and David Brenner were present and sitting elsewhere in the arena)

Video clip of the fight showing Barbara Streisand & Don Johnson, Ivana & Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali & Kirk Douglas

Larry Holmes

So after I found my proof, Valerie had to go one better and produced this photgraph.

She added how honored she was when boxer Larry Holmes, who is from Easton, PA,
was in her neighborhood one time meeting with Joe Frazier
and stopped by her home to say hello.

All the kids in the neighborhood saw his monogrammed car outside
and were standing in line outside Valerie's front door asking to see him.

Larry was gracious enough to let the parents take their children's pictures with him
and likewise kindly left Valerie his personally autographed picture.

Larry Holmes autographed picture

To Valerie
Best wishes to you always good friend
Larry Holmes

And so it goes, whenever I start to doubt Valerie Morrison,
I either hear a first-hand testimonial from a client about her psychic perception
and how it influenced their lives
or about her affiliation with other celebrities and dignitaries
or about a benefit of mercy for those in need of medical attention
that she had been involved with.

So as I am apologizing to Valerie for doubting her and is forgiven, she asks...
"When you reviewed the videos of the fight did you see boxer Tim Witherspoon
carrying me around on his shoulders in the arena before the fight like a show girl?"

Valerie, you simply amaze me.

Regards, "Your Manager?"

His last fight was for his life...
But his second to last fight was for me

My Hero, My Champion, My ICEMAN...

Joe Frazier

Joe Frazier
Jan 12, 1944 - Nov 7, 2011
Age 67

One of 12 children, Joe was raised in a rundown shack on the family farm in South Carolina
and began working hard in the fields by the time he was just only five years old
foreshadowing the hard and punishing career that lay ahead of him.

Joe eventually moved to Philadelphia, where he worked long hours in a slaughterhouse to provide
for his family while sharpening his left hook on hanging sides of beef.

Later, unknown to many moviegoers, Sylvester Stallone would incorporate Frazier's workout routine
in the slaughterhouse for his film character, Rocky Balboa in his movie Rocky.


A few short years later Joe went on to Tokyo Japan competing in the 1964 Olympics
where he won a gold medal, despite fighting with a broken thumb.

Frazier returned from Tokyo with his medal, empty pockets and the dream of becoming
the Heavyweight Champion of the World.

With the help of a Philadelphia businessman, Frazier was able to pursue this dream.

Joe's 1964 Olympic Gold Medal

As Joe came up the ranks after many successful fights, the time came to face Muhammad Ali.

After 15 rounds of pure torture, Joe Frazier won a unanimous decision over Muhammad Ali
at Madison Square Garden before a crowd of 20,455 spectators at the ring
and a worldwide audience of over 300 million fans watching at the same time on TV.

Joe's fight with Muhammad Ali

Joe Frazier had won "The Fight of the Century"
but he had to be helped back to his corner after the final bell.
When he staggered out of the ring that night, Joe Frazier would never be the same fighter again.

Johannes Kelpius

Back in late August of 2011, I was shopping at a well-known store.

As I passed the stores refrigerated milk case I was confronted by a male employee
who rudely ordered me to go back and close the door that was left open there.

As I was explaining to him that I did not leave the door open
but more importantly did not like his disrespectful tone of voice, he rudely proclaimed...
"Well just what are you going to do about it?"

Just as I was about to unleash my Romanian fury on him for his lack of manners,
a voice from behind me said...
"If you don't treat that lady with respect right now,
I'm going to show you what I'm going to do to you about it!"

As I turned around to thank my unexpected champion, he said...
"Valerie my dear, how are you? It has been far too long since we sat and talked together"

I then turned to the rude employee and said, "I would like you to meet my friend Joe,
Joe Frazier that is, you know the only heavyweight champion boxer to knock out Muhammad Ali"

With a gulp, the employee went himself to close the door and before he could say anything more,
his boss, who had heard all the commotion in the store,
came over to apologize for the behavior of his now polite and respectful employee.

Joe's License Plate

Outside, after I introduced Joe to my manager who was waiting for me in my car,
Joe and I privately reminisced about our past times together.
You see, having many friends in the boxing industry, I had met Joe Frazier many years ago.

As Joe and I stepped away to his parked SUV to continue our conversation,
He complained of not feeling well. When I asked him about the pain in his abdomen,
which he reluctantly confirmed he was having, and just as I was about to offer my feelings,
...he asked not to know.

After we hugged each other, for what now would be for the last time,
the last view I had of Joe that fateful day
was of his vanity license plate "ICEMAN" on his SUV as he drove away,
and, in retrospect, it proved to be his very appropriate and endearing goodbye to me, as you see...

Joe and I, both living in the same section of Philadelphia, often, by chance, ran into each other
at our mutually favorite ICE Cream stand "Up On the Ridge" (Ridge Avenue) in Roxborough
and with continuing chance encounters,
we ended up spending many nights during many summers
talking and eating ICE Cream together.

With Joe's hands occupied with the usually messy ice cream,
it was never a bother to him to sign an autograph or shake hands to a patron who recognized him.
He was just a swell guy that way.

That's when I got to know the real Joe Frazier, not the Legend,
but the MAN who was always the perfect gentleman with wonderful down to earth conversation,
and now, as he left me...
My unforgettable Hero, my Champion, my ICEMAN.

In late September, just one month after our encounter at the store,
Joe was diagnosed with liver cancer and died November 7, 2011.

God Bless you Joe

At our last Broadcast Pioneer's Luncheon...
My Manager Frank DeAngelo met for the second time
one of his most favorite television personalities
the very talented and versatile actress and comedienne

Karen Scioli
aka "Re Re DeNucci"

Karen Scioli as Re Re DeNucci

Still don't know who the sassy "Re Re DeNucci" from South Philly is?

How about Re Re's "Alter Ego", the beautiful...

Stella of "Saturday Night Dead"

Karen Scioli as Stella on Saturday Night Dead
From days gone by - A personally autographed photograph of Stella to Valerie Morrison
To Valerie Morrison - From one "Dream Girl" to another!!!   Love Stella

One of Karen's many video clips as "Stella"
Circa 1984 to 1990

For Karen Scioli's Video as "Re Re DeNucci"...
Click Here

Also in attendance were...

Kenny Jeremiah
Former member of the group "Soul Survivor"

Ed Hurst
Host of the very popular 60's dance show from Atlantic City "Steel Pier"

Kenny Jeremiah (Left) and Ed Hurst (Right)

Kenny Jeremiah's Hit Record
"Expressway To Your Heart"

Larry Kane
The Dean of Philadelphia News Anchors

Larry Kane

Larry Kane's brand new novel "Death by Deadline"
is now available in book form

Larry Kane         Larry Kane's Book: Death by Deadline

Annual 2019 "Salute to our Veterans"
Sunday August 25, 2019 at 11 AM to 4 PM

In memory of LCpl Adam Conboy killed in Iraq May 12, 2006 Age 21

Location of the Event...
The New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home
524 N.W. Boulevard / Vineland, New Jersey

Salute to our Veterans past event August 29, 2010

Our Annual "Salute to our Veterans" Tribute
11th Anniversary

Free Admission
Many giveaways including cash prizes
Classic Car Show*
*American cars only
Last year we had 420 classic cars & 200 motorcycles

Presented by...
Steve Tatz - WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM Radio Host
Nostalgia Knights Classic Car Club
South Jersey Cruisers Car Club

For more information, please contact...
John Thompson 856-691-3067 or Dan Weber 856-691-9387

Pictures from our previous "Salute to our Veterans" tributes...

Remember the 50s?

Remember the Fins?

OK, so I like Motorcycles

WVLT 92.1 FM DJ Steve Tatz doing his thing

Veterans Wheelchair Races

Music and Dancing

Music and Dancing

Music and more Dancing

The New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home
was originally a hospital for Civil War veterans back in 1867.

The stone wall and foundation to this original hospital has been preserved
by being incorporated into the architecture of this now modern facility.

Salute to our Veterans of the past

Salute to our Veterans of the past

Salute to our Veterans of the future

Salute to our Veterans of the future

And a special remembrance to our past
"Salute to our Veterans" WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM co-host...

Goodbye to Dear Bill Webber

Goodbye to Dear Bill Webber

Bill (Wee Willie) Webber
June 11, 1929 - May 23, 2010
Aged 80

Don't forget to join Valerie again...

Monday Night October 7, 2024
7 PM to 8 PM

WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM
Studio Broadcast

Valerie is Steve Tatz's guest on his radio show "Get over it"
and will be taking your calls

Call-In Line:

Tune to WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM
You may listen live from your computer at… or

And for those Veterans that are not physically able
to participate outside for the "Salute to our Veterans Event"...

"Dancin' On Air" & "Dance Party USA"

Dancin' On Air

"Dancin' On Air" was a 1980s television show
similar to Philadelphia's "American Bandstand"
and was produced and created by Michael Nise and his father Frank
from Nise's studios and offices located in Camden, New Jersey
where it was broadcast live on Philadelphia's WPHL-TV Channel 17
from October 12, 1981 to December 31, 1987.

Dance Party USA

In 1986, "Dancin' On Air" became syndicated and shortly thereafter
the show was renamed "Dance Party USA"
and aired on cable's USA Network
from April 12, 1986 to June 27, 1992.

These highly successful shows featured such early celebrities as
Kelly Ripa (a regular dancer on the show that started her TV career)
and Madonna (her first television appearance) to name a few.

The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia,
along with their many other admirable functions,
holds monthly meetings to honor
the Delaware Valley Broadcast Pioneers of today and yesterday
and with this in mind...

On Friday evening, November 19, 2010
at our yearly Broadcast Pioneers "Hall of Fame" dinner
Kelly Ripa, since being a then local talent of the Delaware Valley,
was honored with our Broadcast Pioneer's "Person of the Year" award.

During the 1989 and 1990 season, Helen Morrison, Valerie's daughter,

Helen Morrison - Lost on November 16, 1998 at age 32

was a Director of Special Projects on the "Dance Party USA" show.

Helen Morrison - Director of Special Projects

Kelly having been to Valerie's home with Helen on occasion
and Valerie Morrison,
knowing that only the producers and not the dancers
were given monogrammed jackets and watches to wear,
prior to the before mentioned ceremony,
Valerie thought it appropriate and fitting to give Kelly Ripa
Helen's "Dance Party USA" jacket and monogrammed watch
to have for her very own.

Later in July 2011
during the 30th anniversary of the "Dance Party USA" show,
Valerie presented Helen's "Dance Party USA" jacket
promoting the "New Kids on the Block" group
and another of Helen's "Dance Party USA" monogrammed watches
to Michael Nise that he graciously accepted for display
in his "Dancin' On Air / Dance Party USA" museum.

The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia, along with their many other admirable functions,
holds monthly luncheon meetings to honor
the Delaware Valley Broadcast Pioneers of today and yesterday.

Valerie Morrison is a member of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
and as a member it was indeed an honor to know and love...

Captain Noah and his Magical Ark

Over 41 years ago in 1967 Captain Noah (W. Carter Merbreier), an ordained Lutheran minister,
and Mrs. Noah (Patricia B. Merbreier) created Captain Noah and his Magical Ark
in conjunction with the Philadelphia Council of Churches.

It initially started as a religious program, but switched to a children's television format in 1970.
The show ran for 27 years from 1967 to 1994 with approximately 3,600 episodes.

The Merbreiers personal life was intermixed with the show.
They usually referred to each other as "Captain" or "Mrs. Noah" even in their personal life.

When they were honored as our Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia "Persons of the Year" in 2001,
they insisted that they be identified (on the record of all our "Persons of the Year" throughout our history)
as Captain and Mrs. Noah and not Carter and Pat Merbreier.

Captain and Mrs. Noah

Mrs. Noah
(Patricia B. Merbreier)
July 12, 1924 - June 23, 2011
Age 86

Pat Merbreier co-hosted the show as Mrs. Noah alongside her husband.
In addition to co-hosting the series as Mrs. Noah,
she was also the puppeteer and did the voice
of Maurice the Mouse, Mumwup the Monster and Wally the Walrus.

Prior to the success of the Captain Noah and his Magical Ark TV show,
Pat sang opera, appeared in television commercials as television gained popularity,
worked as an industrial show entrepreneur and a model.

Over the years, Captain and Mrs. Noah played host to many celebrities
such as Dorothy Hamill, Martina Navratilova, Charles Barkley, who together,
encouraged children to be the best they can be on the show.

Johannes Kelpius

Mrs. Noah passed away at her home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, on June 23, 2011.
Her funeral and burial was held at Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ardmore.

I, along with several hundred other people, was in attendance there to see her off.
While everyone there was paying their respects for their own particular reasons,
my need to be there was for an even greater mission.

When my daughter Helen was a child,
I brought her to the Captain Noah and his Magical Ark Television show studio
were she was part of the audience as were many children at that time.
Watching the show gave her the inspiration to be apart of the television industry.

Years later, as a young woman, when she finally made it to working on TV,
she became to know the Captain and Mrs. Noah more closely.

When my daughter Helen died in an auto accident caused by a DUI driver several years ago,
Mr. and Mrs. Noah graciously attended her funeral.

Johannes Kelpius

Pat leaves behind...
Her husband W. Carter Merbreier,
her daughter Pam Cowie, two granddaughters Abigail Birch and Ashley Nuttall,
four great-grandchildren, and last but not least...
A whole generation of children, now adults, that she touched with her Mrs. Noah television personality.

Shows like "Captain Noah", "Pixanne", "Sally Starr", "Leave it to Beaver" and "Father knows best"
brought more to our children than mere entertainment.

We never realized and totally underestimated the importence of how these shows
played a very important and very much overlooked roll in the development of our children.

Ideals that we may not have fully understood and learned from our parents
were indeed learned from these shows, our then babysitters,
that entered our living rooms through the magic of television that we, as children, watched for hours.

Johannes Kelpius

It has always been my belief, and I proclaim to you now that it is no coincidence,
that the rapid escalation of behavior issues with some of our youth today,
began when shows like "Captain Noah and his Magical Ark" went off the air never to be replaced.

With this in mind we are surely deeply indebted to Mrs. Noah
for the legacy of good behavior, morals, respect for our elders, etc.,
that she instilled in us that we, the children of her era, carry forward with pride and gratitude today.

Johannes Kelpius

I Can Sing A Rainbow
(Captain and Mrs. Noah's Theme Song)

Until we meet with you once again on your Magical Ark now sailing high with you in Heaven...
May God bless you Pat and comfort you in his arms.

The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
Deep in the forest not 10 blocks from Valerie's home
You will find "The Cave of Kelpius" whose tale remains unknown

The Cave of Kelpius

Valerie Morrison has been asked by the
Roxborough Manayunk Wissahicken Historical Society
for her psychic "feelings" about the Cave of Kelpius
and their noble efforts to preserve his settlement.

Read on...

    The Wissahickon Creek    

Mystic Johannes Kelpius   Mystic Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius
His Signature from one of his diares
The Mystic of the Wissahickon
Born 1673 - Died 1708
(Aged 35)

Johannes Kelpius was born in 1673 in Transylvania,
a village in what is now modern day Romania.

He was a highly educated man with knowledge of
botany, medicine and astronomy
and was also an accomplished musician and writer.
He could speak German, English, Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

Moreover, Johannes, with his deep interest in the occult,
was also a Mystic and a member of a religious cult that believed,
based on their astrological sightings
of a impending alignment of the stars and planets
and their interpretation of the Book of Revelation,
that the end of the world would occur in 1694.

Wanting to practice their unusual "Religion"
and experience the "End Times" freely,
they made a plan to leave Europe and sail to America
in answer to William Penn's promise of religious freedom.

In 1694, on the eve of their departure to America,
the leader of the cult died and Kelpius was appointed
to take his place at the tender age of 21.

Johannes and his 40 followers,
after a treacherous 2-1/2 months voyage to America
on the warship the Sarah Maria Hopewell...

The Warship: Sarah Maria Hopewell

The Warship: Sarah Maria Hopewell

...settled in June 1694 on a hillside by the Wissahickon Creek
hidden then deep in the forest but now not 10 blocks
from Valerie's office in Philadelphia which then,
barely had 500 houses built and occupied at that time.

After making peace with the Lenape Indians that lived in the area,
they hastily built shelters and made livable caves
at their settlement to survive the wilderness,
so that they would be ready to experience the "End of Time"
that was surely about to come.

Today, hundreds of cars* everyday
pass within close proximity of the site of "The Cave of Kelpius"
with most all not knowing of its existence or location.

*Commuters going to and from work, Delivery trucks making their rounds,
Sightseers enjoying the city, etc

The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- Part 2 -

Cave of Kelpius - Cult in the Wissahickon
Filmographer Nik Stamps

The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- Part 3 -

Is the Cave of Kelpius haunted?

Kelpius & Cult in Wissahickon Valley
Filmographer Nik Stamps

Johannes Kelpius died in 1708 and was buried by his disciples
somewhere in the forest of his settlement
in an unmarked grave.

Most of Kelpius's 40 apostles disbanded shortly after his death,
with many giving up their celibacy, marrying
and starting a regular life in Germantown and Philadelphia,
but a hard-core remnant of 6 monks lingered
and Mill hands working along the Wissahickon Creek during this time
would occasionally notice them
walking in single file on the carriage road, wearing brown robes with hoods and sandals.

Since their demise some 260 years ago and up to today...
There have been sightings on moonlit nights of
six ghostly robed figures seen moving along Forbidden Drive.

Johannes Kelpius

Psychic Valerie Morrison...
Having performed many, many ghost cleansings, witnessed one exorcism
and personally performed another exorcism with my ex priest husband Charles,
about these, above-mentioned, particular type of sightings,
I can attest to the following facts...

About 1/3rd of all sightings of ghosts reported seen
are not actually ghosts but are another paranormal phenomena
whereby the events of the past, as in this case,
the Monks walking though the woods as they did 260 years ago,
are somehow embedded in the environment.

An object, home or land somehow captures and retains it
and scenes from the past replay as fleeting glimpses of "ghosts"
for us to see for all eternity.

A sighting that is repetitious (as in this case)
and when no interaction can be made with the apparitions (none reported),
is a good indication that these sightings are purely
this embedded paranormal phenomena.

An analogy would be of one watching a video taped old movie
featuring long deceased actor Boris Karloff
and believing he is still alive and or, as in this case, haunting you.

Apparitions seen under these circumstances should not be feared
as they are not spirits but are simply a "movie" of themselves from the past
and, as in the video tape of Boris Karloff, they cannot interact with you or harm you.

Johannes Kelpius

Now about the real ghosts...

True hauntings are, most times, when you can interact with the spirit.

Most hauntings are by those poor souls that have died abruptly and tragically,
such as a victim of war or violence, by an accident, unexpected illness, etc.,
and they simply cannot believe they are dead having had so much yet to live for
and remain sadly wandering between both plains of existence.

Some spirits are those that have done evil deeds during their lives
and fear proceeding to the other side knowing what horror may be awaiting them.
These are usually more aggressive.

These spirits are often "triggered" into activity
soon after one remodels a home previously occupied by them
or builds a home on a property inhabited by those now deceased.

You see, the dear departed, who do not realize that they are dead,
see you as the intruder into their home or their land
not the other way around as we the new owners of the property
believe them to be the intruders.

We often associate older homes (or land) as being haunted
and this observation is true for a very simple reason.

Older homes or previously inhabited land tend to be more haunted
only because they were occupied longer and therefore had more souls die there.

A larger number of deaths at a property yields a greater chance of someone
unfortunately dieing tragically or having done evil deeds during their life
and thus being a haunting candidate.

Now let me assure you that very few true hauntings are demonic in nature
as most all hauntings are not dangerous and are of the "Casper the Friendly Ghost" type
and they should only be persuaded to "go to the light" to gain the peace that they deserve
and if your attempt is unsuccessful they should be respectfully left alone.


Those of you that go on "ghost hunts" purely for entertainment should take heed...
On rare occasions there are those spirits that are truly demonic in nature.
Often, after provocation, they are notorious for following you home.

Homeowners haunted by these beings often are forced to sell their homes.
Before doing so, I always recommend that they spend a week at a motel
to test to see if it follows you there, and if so, I have at least eliminated
the expense and inconvenience of selling your home
that would have only been in vain.

The technique to rid one's home of these entities, once provoked, is extremely difficult.
Blessings by priests typically require many attempts
and, although with good intentions, are usually unsuccessful.

The trick is to not start what cannot be stopped.
"Playing" with the Ouija Board, automatic writing, seances and dabbling in witchcraft
should be totally avoided as a door can be opened to this realm
that should have forever remained closed.

Johannes Kelpius

In my experience, the spirits of Native American Indians
are one of the most notorious demonic entities.

Although ancient Indian tribes
were the most peaceful and trustworthy group of people to roam this land,
we simply do not understand their culture and even when we give them sincere respect,
for example when uncovering their graves and respectfully re-interring them,
their hauntings can begin with a vengeance.

The Lenni Lenape Indian tribe roamed the Wissahickon when Kelpius arrived
and although Kelpius had great respect for them and treated them fairly,
they were driven by other groups of settlers out of their homeland
and sent to reservations out west and into Canada
where most of them endured hardship and died.

The song "Cherokee Nation" says it all about the American Indian's plight
and can be heard here

And with the paraphrased words to this song in mind...
They took the whole Indian nation and locked us on this reservation
They took away our native tongue and taught their English to our young
And some day when they've learned...
The Cherokee Nation will return

...Just what is the image that appears on this photograph of the Cave of Kelpius?

What is this image?

Mystic Johannes Kelpius
Still stubbornly awaiting the end of time?
The Lenni Lenape Indian Tribe
Finally returning to and guarding their long lost land?

Johannes Kelpius

In 2002 while producing his film
Roxborough & Manayunk - Tales of the 21st Ward in Philadelphia,
Filmographer Nik Stamps went on a hike to take still photos of the Kelpius Cave for his film.

It was a clear sunny day and Nik took many photos of the Cave of Kelpius,
the Rosicrucian Marker and the Kelpius Spring next to the cave.

Later that night while going through his photos on his computer,
he came across this photograph.
Earlier that day, when he took the photograph he didn't notice any fog or smoke which appears in the photo.

Nik later sent his photo to Art Bell, the former talk radio host of "Coast to Coast AM",
a very prestigious and highly acclaimed radio show dealing with the paranormal,
where Art declared that it was an astounding photograph.

Nik Stamps's work on Kelpius along with a voice clip
of Art Bell's radio commentary about his photograph can be found here:

Other extraordinary filmography work of Nik Stamps can be found here:

Johannes Kelpius

A Side Note
Finally some Justice comes to the Native American Indians

Every treaty* that the U.S. Government made with our Native American Indians was broken.

*The 1778 treaty with the Lenni Lenape was the first treaty made and by 1890,
nearly every Native American nation was reduced to a reservation.

Today many Indian Reservations, being a territory and not subject to state laws,
have had gambling casinos with slot machines constructed upon them...

...and all the money we took from them when we stole their lands,
They are finally getting back from us...

One Nickel at a time!

Poetic Justice

Johannes Kelpius

The tale of "The Cave of Kelpius"
- The End ? -

Kelpius developed pneumonia from his unwavering meditations from his damp cave.

After this long illness, Johannes Kelpius, sitting in his garden,
surrounded by his grieving disciples and the local people from the area
who routinely came to his sermons, in the year 1708, at age 35, died.

Johannes Kelpius was buried by his disciples
in an unmarked grave somewhere in the forest of his settlement.

On his deathbed he had in his possession a small sealed casket box
containing what was believed to be the infamous Philosopher's Stone
that he brought with him from his native Transylvania (now Romania)
on his treacherous voyage crossing the Atlantic Ocean to America.

Fearing, after his death, that it could be used for evil deeds if it fell into the wrong hands,
he had his most trusted disciple throw it into the deepest part of the Schuylkill River
to rest on the bottom of the river, there, to be lost forever.

Johannes Kelpius

Conrad Matthai, one of Kelpius's 40 disciples
became the second entrusted leader of his cult after Kelpius died.

44 years later in 1748, from his deathbed,
Conrad requested that he be buried with his master, Johannes Kelpius,
not beside him, but at his feet, which was done.

Conrad Matthai

The location of Kelpius's and Matthai's entwined unmarked graves
has remained unknown for all these 300 years.

Psychic Valerie Morrison has been requested to psychically help locate these graves
along with the location of their tabernacle which also is unknown.

What is believed to be the 1694 Cave of Kelpius is still there
along with the Rosicrucian Marker erected in 1961
but both are repeatedly disgraced with acts of vandalism and neglect
as illustrated by these photos.

Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius

Johannes Kelpius

Although there are many organizations
genuinely devoted to the preservation of the Kelpius settlement in the Wissahickon Valley
and all the history and beauty that it contains there...

Psychic Valerie Morrison will remain silent in the request to help locate Kelpius's grave
until such time that these organizations can become united
with the common goal of mounting a legitimate archeological expedition
to recover his grave and more importantly, have the funds to, once found,
respectfully guard, preserve and protect it with dignity
from all forms of future environmental harm and acts of vandalism.

Furthermore, until such time that this can be guaranteed by some organization,
Valerie remains convinced that...

The location of Kelpius's grave is best left unknown
and if no funding ever becomes available, should remain unknown for all eternity.

Dame Sybil Leek
- Part 1 -

Life and Death     Sybil Leek with her constant crow companion     Life and Death

English Witch, Astrologer, Psychic, and author of the Occult
Born February 22, 1917 - Died October 26, 1982
(Aged 65)

Sybil Leek

Known to only but a few, Psychic Valerie Morrison in 1977
was personally invited and flown into Florida
by famed English Wicca, Psychic and Astrologer Sybil Leek
to assist and accompany her at a seance.

After the successful all night seance at the client's mansion...

Sybil took a sincere liking to Valerie Morrison and her gift, and in befriending her,
asked Valerie to stay the week as a guest at her home in Florida.

Hoping to help Valerie as she would as the daughter that she never had
and knowing that Valerie was opposed to some of her teachings...

Sybil spent the week with Valerie in daily conversations sharing and teaching
her centuries old secret knowledge and enlightenment.

Upon leaving, Sybil presented Valerie with several of her
personally autographed books that she had written
that Valerie still treasures today.

Their friendship and Sybil's teachings would endure over the years
with frequent lengthy telephone conversations they had together
until Sybil's untimely death in 1982.

In the years to follow Valerie continued to only use her own personal psychic gift
supplemented only with the good practices of Sybil's teachings
while steadfastly refusing to use the spells and the dark side of this knowledge.

    Valerie Morrison with Sybil Leek    

Circa 1977 Photo* of Psychic Valerie Morrison (far right) with Sybil Leek (center)
and her student followers at Sybil's Melbourne, Florida home.

* This Photograph is the Personal Property of Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
taken by Valerie's Husband during the week following the seance.
Usage of this Photograph is forbidden unless permission is granted by Valerie Morrison

Cropped Picture of Valerie Morrison with Sybil Leek

Cropped Picture

Close Up of Valerie Morrison with Sybil Leek

Close Up

Sybil Leek
- Part 2 -

Life and Death     Sybil Leek's Diary of a Witch     Life and Death

Her Biography

Sybil Leek

Sybil Leek was born in England to a well-to-do family that,
though outwardly typical English gentry, had a long family history of witchcraft,
which traced back to the 16th century to her ancestor Molly Leigh,
had been accused during the time of the witch trials.

Sybil's family played host to some very scholarly characters at her home including...

Author Herbert George Wells (aka H. G. Wells) whom Sybil and her father
used to take long walks with discussing all things metaphysical.

H. G. Wells the famed author of the very popular novels:
"The War of the Worlds", "The Time Machine", "The Invisible Man",
"The First Men in the Moon" and "The Island of Dr Moreau" to name but just a few.

The War of the Worlds   Author H.G.Wells

and T. E. Lawrence of "Lawrence of Arabia" fame.

Lawrence of Arabia   T.E.Lawrence

Sybil's immediate family all played a part encouraging her to follow the craft.
Sybil's mother and aunt were psychics
and her grandmother was a folk witch and expert astrologer
while her father taught her about
eastern philosophies, nature, and the power of herbs.

She first worked as an astrologer on the French Riviera but it was cut short
by the advent of World War II where she served in the Red Cross
and worked as a nurse caring for wounded soldiers.

In 1951 after the English repeal and abolishment of the Witchcraft Act of 1735,
Sybil rose to media fame in the 1950s when she announced she was a witch.

Her discussions and practice of witchcraft had a profound effect
upon the formation of Neo-Pagan Witchcraft, namely the religion of Wicca.

In France Sybil met a prominent concert pianist
who became her music teacher whom she married when she was 16.
He died two years later, and stricken with grief,
Sybil returned home to her grandmother's house.

Shortly after, she was sent by her grandmother to a French coven
in the hills above Nice, to replace a distant relative of hers as High Priestess.

Eventually she returned to England.
For a short while she stayed with an acquaintance in the New Forest but soon
found the lifestyle there tiresome and decided to run away.

She became friends with the Romany Gypsies in the forest.
Sybil learned much from the Gypsies about the forest, ancient folklore,
and even more about the practical use of herbs
than she had learned from her grandmother.

She lived with the Gypsies for a year,
and attended rituals with the Horsa Coven in the New Forest,
of which for a short time she was High Priestess,
and therefore a member of the Nine Covens council.

When she was 20, Sybil returned to her family,
who had now moved to the edge of the New Forest.
She then opened three antique shops but refused to sell
anything to do with witchcraft, much to the disappointment of visitors.

However, her open attitude about being a witch caused problems, too.
As media interest grew,
Sybil found herself constantly being pestered by news reporters and tourists,
who traveled to her antique shop in Burley where she lived
and would turn up on her doorstep, day and night.

Sybil even had to enlist her friends to serve as decoys
in order to be able to escape out of the village
to go to and attend the secret meeting places of her coven,
for fear of being pursued by cameramen.

Although the village itself thrived on the tourism and visitors,
some people were not so happy about the extra traffic being caused
and her landlord eventually asked her to move.

The Amazing World of Kreskin
Guest: Sybil Leek

In 1964, an American publishing company
wanted Sybil to speak about her new antique book
and she was invited to America to appear on "To Tell the Truth"
a popular TV program at the time.
She took the opportunity to go, and flew to New York
where she was mobbed by reporters and gave many interviews.

While in New York, she was contacted by Dr. Hans Holzer, a ghost hunter,
who invited her to join him investigating hauntings and psychic phenomena.
They went on to do numerous TV and radio shows on the subject and later
Hans Holzer went on alone to do his most famous investigation into the case of...
"The Amityville Horror"

She then moved to Los Angeles where she met Dr. Israel Regardie,
an authority on ritual magic, and they spent much of their time
discussing and practicing the Golden Dawn rituals together.

Strong in defense of her beliefs,
Sybil sometimes differed and even quarreled with other witches.
She disapproved of nudity in rituals, a requirement in some traditions,
and was strongly against the use of drugs,
but she was at odds with most other witches in that she did believe in cursing.
She was also one of the first of the modern day witches
to take up environmental causes.

She made hundreds of television appearances in the U.S. and England
and wrote more than 60 books, including Diary of a Witch, on occult subjects.

She toured frequently holding lectures throughout
the States as well as England and Europe.

Sybil foresaw the success of a then obscure French captain
named Charles DeGaulle,
and predicted the literary achievements and death of Ian Fleming
years before he wrote the Agent 007 novels.

Sybil was, as was Psychic Valerie Morison,
an astrologer for former First Lady Nancy Reagan.

Her pet crow, Mr. Hotfoot Jackson,
most always was found perched on her shoulders.

Sybil died at her Melbourne, Florida home on October 26, 1982.

Joseph Pozzuolo
Nov 23, 1927 - Feb 4, 2011
Age 83

Joseph Pozzuolo

Beloved Father of my Co-Host Pearl Polto
...dancing once again with Mom

Goodbye Dear Friend

Goodbye Dear Friend

Baby Wolf
April 1998 - December 2010

The Things Valerie loved most about her Baby Wolf...

Baby Wolf never borrowed any of my clothes
Baby Wolf's parents never visited
Baby Wolf enjoyed heavy petting in public
Baby Wolf liked beer

But most of all...
Baby Wolf thought I could sing great!
(and sometimes joined in with me)

To My Dear Baby Wolf...

Although you were 130 lbs and the breed of King Sheppard and Wolf...

Watching you carry your little stuffed puppy toy tenderly in your mouth
as your motherly instincts compelled you to move it from room to room
only to then lay down with it snuggled between your front paws.
...I will never forget.

Watching you protect me from intruders
yet run and hide during the thunderstorms and the July 4th celebrations.
...I will never forget.

You loved the falling snow and you would lay in it for hours.

You were my Companion and Guardian and Playmate to children.

Playmate to Children

Every morning as my manager drank his morning coffee in the kitchen
you would come to him and lay your head in his lap to say good morning.
Unusual? Yes, as you knew my manager never fed you.
Your true love was truly without motive.

I remember the times Baby Wolf,
that you and I would share the evening in the parlor together.

Goodbye Dear Friend

Safe at home and sheltered from the deep snow
that is falling heavily and yet absolutely quietly outside.

Happy voices can be heard in the distance, a car's muffled movement up the street,
the chains on the tires of a passing truck sounding like Santa making his rounds,
the knocking of snow from feet.

I would lay with my head against your body and your fur was so incredibly angora soft.

The grandfather clock tick-tocks away as the fireplace crackles with iridescent colors
leaping from the flames while its glowing embers hypnotize me.

And as I hear my Baby Wolf's soft breathing, we both fall off to sleep.

God kept you here with me longer than most of your breed and with that I am grateful.

Daughter Helen left you when you were only 6 months old
and Daddy only a short year ago.

Now you have become gravely ill.
The sedative is now taking its effect and you start to close your eyes.
You fight to remain conscious, as you somehow know you will never open them again.

But listen to Mommy, my dear frightened and shaking Baby Wolf,
as you start to drift away...
Hear Helen and Daddy now calling your name, Baby Wolf! Baby Wolf! you join them once again.

Near Death & Out of Body Experiences
See the video of this touching story by clicking here:
NBC Channel 10 Video

Psychic Valerie Morrison’s NBC Channel 10 Television Interview

This story originally aired on...
Tuesday Night November 16, 2010
NBC Channel 10 News at 11 PM

NBC 10 News

Near Death and Out Of Body Experiences

On the brink of Death's Door a brilliant White Light comes into view.
Brighter than any light you have ever experienced before, you find that you are
mesmerized by it and can stare directly into it without it hurting your eyes.

You follow it through a winding and twisting tunnel and arrive on the "Other Side" where
you meet those that have past before you and sometimes our Creator.

The Near-Death Experience, aka NDE- Sure we all heard of them, after all 5% of the
population of every country, regardless of culture or religious preference,
experiences them.

OK, so our "Medical Experts" now tell us that the white light appears to us at the moment
of death as a reaction to the brain shutting down, and to be fair, this is further
substantiated by jet fighter pilots who also report the same phenomena
after passing out from huge "G" forces when training in a centrifuge.

So it is now believed by our "Medical Experts"
to be merely a rarely encountered physical occurrence,
but what is their explanation for the visits one has to the other side?

Purely a very vivid dream they will say.

But how do the "Medical Experts" explain the Out-Of-Body Experience, aka OBE,
that some people experience along with their Near-Death Experience,
where one rises up from their body and floats to the ceiling and when looking down,
see themselves being worked on frantically
by those in the emergency room, accident scene, etc.

Another vivid dream?


You won't convince Psychic Valerie Morrison who, after having a Near-Death Experience
with a brain aneurysm some years ago, floated above her body and when looking down, saw,
in addition to her doctor and nurses working on her,
a pair of sneakers on top of a locker in the operating room.

After she returned to her body and later in the recovery room,
she told her story to her doctor.

The janitor was summoned and with the aid of a ladder
found the sneakers just where Valerie said they would be, and no,
Valerie could not see them from the operating table where she was being operated on.

During another account,
a woman floated above her body and was hovering above the ceiling fan,
so close to it that she could read and later remember
the brand and part of the fan's model number
and stories similar to this keep recurring.

In the very near future researchers in the United States and the UK
will be conducting an unusual experiment to authenticate
the Out-Of-Body Experience phenomena.

All patients having traumatic surgeries will be interviewed in the recovery room.
Those discovered as having an OBE where they floated above their bodies,
will be asked what they saw when looking down into the operating room.

When patients start to answer that they saw a picture of the Eiffel Tower
laying flat on a table facing the ceiling, a picture planted before the patient's
operation by the researchers as part of this experiment...

What will our "Medical Experts" tell us then?

Psychic Valerie Morrison

I will try my very best to help you with your concerns.
My hope is that my advice, observations, and my psychic perception
about you and your living and departed loved ones
will make Peace and Happiness always the greatest part of your life.

God Bless...

Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881

Links to Related Paranormal Topics

I Survived... Beyond and Back
Stories of Individuals who died and came back - Biography Channel
Click Here

Valerie Morrison during her 39+ years as a Psychic Medium
has interviewed many clients who have had Near-Death Experiences.
Watch this new Television show and you will see for yourself
the overwhelming evidence of this phenomena.

The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences
P.M.H. Atwater - Author
Click Here

Dr. Atwater is an international authority on near-death states
as well as a near-death experiencer.
She is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies,
having begun her work in 1978.

Copyright 1999-2024 Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium

Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881